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A Cheerful Heart is Good Medicine

Writer's picture: Carol PlafcanCarol Plafcan

Updated: Jan 10

If I told you that there was a way to live longer, be less stressed, have fewer sicknesses, less major depression, and less cancer would you be interested in knowing about it? These benefits are scientifically proven according to the Mayo Clinic. What miracle drug can achieve this? It is not a pill, not a technique, but simply positive thinking.

A Cheerful Heart is Good Medicine

The writer of the book of Proverbs knew this long ago. He said in Proverbs 17:22 (NIV):

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."

Focus On Good

It is easy to say that we should think positively, but putting it into action is sometimes more difficult. Spending more time in prayer and Bible study gives us the tools to do this. In Romans 12:2, Paul tells us to renew our minds and not be conformed to the world. In this way when our thoughts become more like God's thoughts, we can obey His will. In Philippians 4:8, Paul gives us a list of the types of things that our mind should focus on. Paul says to think about true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy things.

Paul makes it clear that it is important to dwell on the positive. Think about what we put into our minds. Are we reading well written but depressing books about suicide, murder, divorce, and other terrible things? Are we watching movies that proclaim to entertain us by showing us the horrors of what one human can do to another? Do we look at sensational news online that fills our heads full of gloom and doom? If we are, then don't be too surprised when we have a hard time feeling positive.

What are our children filling their minds with? The impossibility of physical perfection that they see online? Are their reading selections in school about suicide or cannibalism or murder? You might be surprised at what they are required to read.

Paul says to fill our minds with what is true. Where do you think Paul thought you could find truth? In the teachings and the word of our Lord. What do you think Paul thought was admirable? Again, the teachings and the word of our Lord.

Are we lifting up our brothers and sisters in Christ or are we tearing them down? Do we grumble and complain focusing only all the things that are wrong and forget that we should love one another? Do we forget to be grateful for our blessings?

What Are We Putting In Our Minds?

I can't count the number of times that I have heard people tell me that what they watch on TV or read in books or their online content has no effect on them. They tell me they are adults and can control what they think about. It's like someone using meth for the first time saying that it won't make them addicted because they are too strong for that.

What we put in our minds DOES affect how we think, whether we believe it or not. It is hard to live a positive life and think positive thoughts when all I am putting in my brain is negative and sad.

So what do we fill our minds, our lives, with? Is it the trash that we so often find on social media that makes us feel inadequate, the soft pornography of TV and movies, or the depressing content of so much modern literature. Don't misunderstand. Reading, watching TV and going online can be great ways to pass the time, and yes, we need to know what is happening in the world around us, but when these things overtake us, when we focus so much on the negative content that they offer instead of the positive, then there is a price to pay.

God Knows What Is Best

Paul knew a couple of thousand years ago how much better off we would be if we thought positively. Joy and happiness come from these thoughts. Only in the last few decades has science validated his viewpoint. God knows what is best for us—always.

The wisdom of Proverbs 4: 20-25 tells us to incline our ear to his sayings. It says to never let them depart from our eyes. Solomon tells us to keep them in our heart because they are life and health. Indeed, how wise he was.

Enjoy the wonderful hymn: Joy Unspeakable

Ephesians 5: 19-21
Our Joy is in the Lord

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