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A Great Revival- Nehemiah Chapter 8

Writer: Carol PlafcanCarol Plafcan

Updated: Oct 13, 2024

Nehemiah Chapter 8

In Nehemiah chapter 8, the priest Ezra for the first time in many, many years reads the Torah, the books of Moses, to the people. They stood in front of the Water Gate, a gateway to the rebuilt temple complex. The following is written from the perspective of someone who was there...

Captivity Ends

Finally, after seventy years we all eagerly awaited Ezra. Seventy years of being in captivity in Babylon had finally ended. We knew this was a special day. We could all feel the presence of the Lord in this place. Something wonderful would happen here today. We all sensed it.

The Reading Of The Word.

We stood before the platform waiting excitedly for Ezra to begin reading the word. The sun had just come up. I looked around and saw so many people, people just like me who were moved to finally hear the word of God after so many years. The Spirit of God was surely in this place because as Ezra began to read, we all stood. These were God's Words, Words of life and worthy of reverence. The book of the law that Moses our deliverer had recorded - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

Because of Ezra our temple was finally rebuilt. Because of Ezra we were able to come together and worship with one mind and one heart. Those of us present were ones who were able to understand the word when it was read. Ezra read till midday. For six hours we listened attentively to God's word. I am sure the Spirit of God was with us because otherwise it would have been nearly impossible to focus for so long on these words from long ago.

Amen, Amen

As he began reading, we stood, with heads bowed and lifted hands knowing that the blessings of God would fall on those who would hear these words. When Ezra blessed our great God, we all responded in agreement, "Amen, Amen". There were additional men there who helped us to understand what was being read. It would be no good to hear the word and still not understand it. They helped us to understand it not just with our minds but with our hearts through the working of God's Spirit. They helped us to understand what those words from so long ago meant to us in our present time.

Convicted By Our Sin

When we heard and understood the words, we wept. I could hear people around me quietly sobbing. They were convicted, as was I, of our great sin before our Lord. They realized how they had failed Him even though He never failed or abandoned them. But Nehemiah, our governor, Ezra our priest and scribe, and the other Levites told us not to cry. God was doing a great and holy work and we should rejoice. They told us, "Do not sorrow for the joy of the Lord is your strength." I wiped my tears as did the others and realized that God was doing a mighty work in His people and we should rejoice. We had sinned but our gracious God has forgiven us. Praise and thanks be to Him.

Understanding The Word

On the second day the heads of households were brought together to understand the words of the Law. It was important that people in leadership roles be able to explain to the rest of us exactly what the words meant for us. As they read they understood that they should have been celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles. We had not celebrated this feast since the days of Joshua, but in obedience we built our tabernacles and continued hearing the word of God for several more days until, to conclude, we had a sacred assembly.


A Great Revival

This great revival, this outpouring of the Holy Spirit, came from the reading of the word of God to His people. The Word was not just read, but explained. True understanding is necessary for true revival. We need people who know more than we do to help us get this understanding. Paul reminds Timothy in I Timothy 4: 13 not to neglect the public reading and teaching of the word of God. Just as in Acts 2:37, after hearing the Word from Peter those listening to the word were "cut to the heart" by their sin. But then their sorrow is turned to joy. They rejoiced in hope.

"Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith—the salvation of your souls." I Peter 1:8(b) - 9

Pray For Revival

Even today, as we pray for revival for ourselves, our church and our nation, let us not forget the importance of reading and understanding the word of God and how the Holy Spirit uses it to convict us and bring us to repentance. Thanks be to God for His Word, His grace and His Spirit who help us to understand and have a greater knowledge of our Lord.

Nehemiah 8


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