Letters, we don't write letters much anymore, unless emails or long texts count. I have some letters that I have had for 50 years. I guess you would call me a letter hoarder. When I go back and read them, they take me back to a different time, a different place. Some of them take me to a good place and time, others not so much. The thing about letters though is that they last. Not just the physical letter but the impression it makes continues.
Letters Of Recommendation
In Paul's time ministers were often required to have letters of recommendation written for them by their churches. This was done because there were many false teachers. In 2 Corinthians chapter 3, Paul says that he needs no letter because the church at Corinth has become that for him. Not because of anything he personally did, but because of the work of God on their hearts. Indeed, Paul says, they themselves are the letter of recommendation, written from Christ on their hearts.
A Letter From Christ
As Christians, each of our lives are letters from Christ. Paul in 2 Corinthians 3:3 says this,
"...you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts."
We are a "letter from Christ". Think about that. Our lives are being read by those around us every day. The impression that we make with our lives stays with people. Does our letter recommend Christ to others? Does it make them want to know Christ more or does it make them want to stay away from Him?
Letters With Corrections
There have certainly been times when my life was not the letter I wanted people to read. Thanks be to God that He forgives me and with the help of the Holy Spirit I can rewrite my letter. He allows corrections! My goal is that my letter is written more and more by Him and less and less by me.
Written On Our Hearts
But who is it that is doing the writing? Paul says it is the Holy Spirit of God and that He is writing this letter on our hearts. The same idea is expressed in Hebrews 8:10. The New Covenant will be written on our hearts. Proverbs 3:3 says to, "write truth and mercy on the tablets of our hearts." Jeremiah 31:31-34 prophecies of a time when God will give a New Covenant that will be written on our hearts.
The Old Covenant v New Covenant
The Old Covenant of Moses was written by God on stone tablets. These laws, these Ten Commandments, were to be followed, but people soon found out that it was impossible to always obey them. This fact made people realize their failings and short comings. There was condemnation under the Old Covenant, but now, under the New Covenant there is no condemnation (Romans 8:1). Only the New Covenant, written in our hearts, offers us hope. Because of Jesus's sacrifice we can become sons of God, adopted into His family.
What Does Our Letter Say?
In Romans 2: 14-16 Paul explains more about this. He says that when we (Gentiles) are obedient to the law it is proof that the law is "written on our hearts". When people who are not Christians think of us, what does our letter say to them? If it doesn't say what we want it to, we need to make an effort to have a more loving letter to read. A letter filled with the love of Christ.
More Like God
Ezekiel 11:19 predicts the time of Christ when he says,
"And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh,"
This same spirit is the Spirit of God who writes on our hearts. Before we had this Spirit the letter we wrote to the world was selfish, lying, hating, angry, bitter, proud, and full of all kinds of sin. Even if we were "good" people our righteousness was as filthy rags before a perfect God (Isaiah 64:6). Now that we have a new heart, we should desire to be more like God. People should see God in our letter.
Being Transformed
At the end of chapter 3 in 2 Corinthians, Paul says we are being transformed into His (God's) image, which comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. This isn't an instant thing. Paul says we are transformed with "ever increasing glory". Our letter from Christ should sound more and more as if Christ wrote it Himself.
Conformed To His Image
This transformation comes from, as Paul says, "beholding as in a mirror the Glory of God". Beholding doesn't mean a casual glance. It means to really look deeply at something - to study it. Romans 8:29 says we are predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ. In other words we are supposed to become like Him in every way.
Knowing Who God Is
To become more like God we need to understand who God is, and to do this, we need to study His word and get to know Him. We need to pray, listen, and grasp an understanding of Him as deeply as possible in this life. God is love. We need to allow Him to transform us into love as well; so that when people read our letter, our lives, it will reflect Him in all that we do.
