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Act Like Men: Strength and Faith for Today's Young Leaders

Writer: Carol PlafcanCarol Plafcan

Men: strong, courageous, and bold—this is how the Bible describes them and their service to God. Sometimes today we look around our churches and wonder where have the men gone: especially, the young men. I wonder if they think, 'real men' don't go to church. Many churches today seek young men to take up their role in God’s work. What the Bible makes clear is that a 'real man' is what is needed in the church.

"Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong." 1 Corinthians 16:13

Biblical Principles of Manhood

In Psalm 37:23, the Bible defines what a good man is. When a man desires God and delights in Him he will follow the ways of God. Micah 6:8 says that God has shown man what He wants. God desires us to be humble, merciful, and treat people justly.

Guidance for Young Men in Scripture

Young men are told in Psalm 119:9 that to stay pure they must be obedient to the word of the Lord. Psalm 71:5 reminds us that God is our hope and our trust from the time we were young. In Proverbs 23, Solomon tells his son not to associate with drunks and gluttons because they will end in poverty. He tells his son to listen to his father and mother and seek wisdom. The entire third chapter of Proverbs is addressed to "my son." In it we find some very specific advice for young men. We learn that God blesses the just, humble and wise. They are to:

  1. Keep the commandments of God.

  2. Be merciful and truthful.

  3. Trust in the Lord and acknowledge Him, which means to admit He has authority over us.

  4. Fear the Lord and leave evil.

  5. Honor God with what you have—this means give to His work.

  6. Not "despise the chastening of the Lord". This means to understand that if God loves us, He must and will correct us when we sin.

  7. Love wisdom.

  8. Give good things to people and don't plot bad things against your neighbor.

  9. Not fight or argue with someone for no reason.

  10. Not be envious of those in power.

Jeremiah's Youthful Calling

The prophet Jeremiah was called as a young man to speak God's word to the people. In Jeremiah 1:6, he told God he couldn't speak as a prophet because he was young. God told Jeremiah not to say that. He told Jeremiah that he would speak what God commanded him to speak and go where God told him to go and not to be afraid because God would be with him.

In Lamentation 3:27, Jeremiah tells us, "It is good for a man to bear the yoke in his youth." This means that experiencing hardship and pain when we are young, teaches us very early to put our trust in God alone. We know He is in control of every situation, even if we don't understand.

Mighty Men of Valor - Gideon

There were certain men in the Bible who were given the title, Mighty Men of Valor. These men were singled out for what God saw in them. The greatness that was there whether they were aware of it or not. Gideon was one such person. In Judges 6:12-14 the Angel of the Lord appears to Gideon and tells him that he is a Mighty Man of Valor.

Gideon believes God has abandoned Israel. He believes that he is of no importance and certainly cannot be a Mighty Man of Valor, but he is told to go and defeat the enemy because the Angel says, "Have I not sent you?"

Maybe God is calling you to be one as well. Maybe God has sent you! Young men today can use the example of Gideon's courage to serve God in ways they never thought possible.

The Example of Timothy

In the New Testament, we read about Timothy, a young man who worked with Paul as an evangelist and became the first bishop of Ephesus. In 1 Timothy 4:12, Paul tells Timothy that no one should look down on him because he is young. Instead, Timothy is told to be an example to other Christians in his word, conduct, love, spirit, faith and purity. His young age could not be used as an excuse to be disobedient to God.

In 1 Timothy 5:1, Paul explains that young men are not to be rebuked but encouraged as you would a brother. 1 Timothy 6:11-12 says that a man of God will flee evil and "pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and gentleness." Paul tells Timothy that a man of God will "fight the good fight of faith."

Overcoming Youthful Temptations

Later, in 2 Timothy 2:22, Paul encourages Christians to run from the lusts of their youth. Lust doesn't just refer to sex. It also means any sinful longing like getting high, drinking too much, or revenge, for example. When the desire becomes overwhelming to do these things, it becomes lust.

The Charge to Young Men: Titus’ Instructions

Titus 2:6-8 continues with this theme by saying that young men should be sober-minded. This means focusing on God and using self control. These young men are told to have a pattern of good works, their doctrine should be one of integrity. Integrity means your life should be sincere and lived without hypocrisy, consistent with what you say you believe. Also, the young men should have sound speech, meaning that it is wholesome and truthful. They shouldn't speak idle words.

Peter’s Counsel for Young People

1 Peter 5:5-9 directly addresses young people. They are to be humbly submissive to older people and each other. They should be watchful for the devil, who seeks to destroy them, while exercising self-control.

Leadership and Responsibility in the Early Church

Men were the leaders of the early church, just as they are today. They were often tortured, even martyred for their faith. The expectations for the young men who were Christians were high. Being young was not an excuse for not living for Christ the absolute best way they could. These young men in the church were to become missionaries and evangelists, pastors and teachers, grounded firmly in their faith. They encouraged each other and those around them to live a holy life that would be a blessing to others.

Young Men Today: Embrace Your Role—Act Like Men

The young men of today are expected to do the same. We don't need to make excuses for them. We don't need to treat them like little children, as though being a Christian witness is too hard for them. Paul in 1 Corinthians 13:11, explains that "when I became a man I put away childish things." They are capable, and they are able to be the leaders Jesus expects them to be. Their strength will come from Him.

Conclusion: Praying for Strong Leaders

We need young men in the church as much as they need the church. Young men need to fight the good fight of faith that Paul spoke of. It is very difficult to be a strong and faithful young Christian man in today's world because the temptations are many. Being a Christian is not for the weak and faint hearted, but for those who know who their enemy really is —the devil. But God will always be with them, just as He was for Jeremiah. We need to make a point of praying for our young men to be the leaders that God wants them to be.

Act like men 1 Corinthians 16:13


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