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Ambassadors for Christ

Writer: Carol PlafcanCarol Plafcan

Updated: Jul 27, 2024

In 2 Corinthians 5: 20, Paul tells us that we are ambassadors for Christ. What does an ambassador actually do in our world today? Their main responsibility is to support and promote the policies of our country in other countries. They literally represent the President of the United States in the country that they are assigned to. They are appointed by the President of the United States.

Ambassadors For Christ

Similarly, as Ambassadors for Christ, Paul says,

" Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God."

We are ambassadors for another kingdom, a kingdom not of this world, the kingdom of God. Our task is to plead, beg, and implore people to be reconciled with God. What does reconciliation with God mean? The word reconciliation means to restore a relationship after a dispute. To make things right again. When we are reconciled to God through Jesus, we have a restored relationship to God. In Romans 5:10, Paul explains that God reconciled us to Himself while we were still enemies of Christ by the death of His Son, Jesus and that Christ's life will save us. Christ's reconciliation allows us to be, as Paul says, a new creation.

Just as an earthly appointed ambassador's job is to promote the United States to other countries, so our job is to promote the Kingdom of God in this world. We are the duly appointed representatives of our Father in Heaven. We have a responsibility to do the job we have been assigned and that is to remind people of their need for reconciliation.

Not Of This World

In John chapter 15, Jesus tells his disciples they are not of the world. We are truly other worldly people with a purpose. We are to show the world the God we say we love. We are to share this Jesus, the crucified Christ, who rose from the dead and conquered sin. Of course we will face opposition. The devil will make sure of that. The devil will present all kinds of seemingly reasonable arguments to us to keep us from being the ambassador we are called to be.

We Can't Stay The Same

We don't approach people as if we are perfect and worthy of the salvation we have received. We approach people in humility reminding them that Christ died for us while we were still sinners. To have the good and joy filled life that God wants us to have, He sent His beloved son to carry our sins on the cross and make a way for us to become His children. A reconciled life is a changed life. We cannot encounter Christ and stay the same. It is impossible.

What Is A Good Ambassador?

A good ambassador is a role model. A good ambassador is consistent. A good ambassador is disciplined. A good ambassador takes his job very seriously. In 2 Corinthians 6, Paul tells the Corinthians that he has placed no obstacles in the way of his message to the lost. Paul and his workers have made it a priority to be above reproach.

They endured all kinds of hardships, beatings, hunger, and lack of sleep with patience, kindness and love. They triumphed over hard times with the Holy Spirit, the power of God, the word of truth and the armor of righteousness. The world described Paul and his workers as deceivers, unknown, sorrowful and poor but God would describe them as true, well known, joyful and possessing all things. Paul was the ultimate ambassador for Christ.

Paul The Ultimate Ambassador

Paul's ambassadorship for Christ took Him all over the known Roman world to spread the message of reconciliation. Our job, even if it is just in our family, with our friends and community is to do the same.

2 Corinthians 5:20


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