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Answer A Fool

Writer: Carol PlafcanCarol Plafcan

Updated: Jan 18

We live in an argumentative society. Social media has allowed us to express our opinions to anyone and everyone and do so in whatever way we desire. We can speak on subjects we know nothing about and sound like experts. We can call names and degrade others without fear of repercussion. We can be "trolls". A troll, for those not familiar with the term, is a person who intentionally posts or comments online to upset others.

Are You Being Baited?

Christians can be literally sucked into this behavior by people who are baiting you online. Have you read a social media post from an atheist or non-believer that was deeply offensive to you? Have you been called names or declared an idiot by someone who disagrees with your faith? The temptation is to get into an online argument. You want to defend yourself or your faith but should you always do this?

When and How Do I Respond?

The Bible has some things to say about when we engage with those opposed to our faith and when we should not. This is what we read in Proverbs 26:4-5,

"Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you also be like him. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes."

In case you are wondering what a fool is, according to Proverbs 1:7 it is a person who rejects Godly wisdom. At first glance these verses seem like contradictory statements but they are not. We don't answer a fool or we answer one depending on the circumstances. This requires something of us as Christians, discernment. In verse 4 we are told not to answer a fool in the way they are speaking to us. Don't get down on their level. In verse 5 we understand that a person may make a foolish statement but still sincerely want to know what is really true. That person is the one whom we should answer.

Online Discernment May Be Hard

Proverbs 9: 7-9 underscores this point. These verses tell us that correcting a scoffer, another name for a fool, only brings shame to you and can cause the scoffer to hate you. It goes on to say that rebuking a wise man will make him even wiser and cause him to love you. In an online situation it may be difficult to make a discernment as to who we are speaking with.

Sharing The Gospel

As Christians we know that Jesus gave us a commandment to go into the whole world and share His gospel. We are to be witnesses to the world. So we have an obligation to tell others about Jesus. But Jesus himself tells us in Matthew 7:6 not to cast "pearls before swine". What does He mean? Pigs are like fools. They can't reason well. They have no wisdom. They see no value in the word that you are trying to share with them. Not only that, but Jesus says not to do this "lest they turn and attack you." We can bring persecution on ourselves simply by arguing with someone who has no real desire to know truth.

In Matthew 10:14, Jesus tells the disciples that if people won't listen to them to shake the dust from their feet and move on. Paul gives us an example of this in Acts 18:6 when he told those he was preaching to that since they opposed him, and made fun of him, he would move on to preach elsewhere. Paul says he has fulfilled his obligation.

We have responsibilities as Christians to share the message of salvation to others but we don't have a responsibility for how they respond. Fools are complacent. They don't want to change. We are not to continue with a discussion that becomes an argument. Or even worse, one that becomes a series of name callings.

We Were All Once Fools

How do we treat a fool? Well, since we were all foolish at some point, in that we were non-believers, we should treat them with love, forgiveness and compassion as Jesus tells us. We are told to approach those who don't know Jesus with humility above all.

Discerning A Fool

How do we discern foolishness? To discern well means to distinguish between truth and error. Discernment is essential to being a wise person. Wisdom comes from knowing Jesus. Hebrews 5:11-14 says we should constantly practice our discernment, distinguishing good from evil. Growing in the knowledge of the word of God promotes discernment.

Knowing When To Answer A Fool

Ultimately, James 1:5 says it is God who gives us wisdom (the ability to discern) and it is something that God gives us if we ask. In Proverbs 23:9, Solomon tells us not to speak to fools because they despise wisdom. As Christians we need to discern when someone is sincerely seeking wisdom and faith and when they are just spouting words. We must pray, study, and seek God's wisdom to know when and how to answer a fool.

An excellent video on this topic can be found here.

Answer a fool Proverbs 26:4-5


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