In many places in the New Testament we are told to be like a child in order to believe in Jesus. If you are a parent this might seem a little confusing. Isn't your two-year-old the one who was laying in the floor screaming for a toy at the store the other day? Surely, we aren't being told to be like that. Wasn't your four-year-old just sent home from daycare for biting a chunk out of his little buddy? Surely, we aren't being told to be like that. In fact, of course, no we are not.
Childlike v Childish
There is a big difference between being "childlike" and "childish". My children trusted me to take care of them. When they were frightened, they wanted me to comfort them. They believed I loved them no matter what. They knew if they were disciplined it was for their own good (even if they didn't know it at that moment). My children wanted to learn from me. When they were small, they wanted to imitate their father and I. They were very teachable. That is "childlike".
Be Like Children
Children give their love freely. They don't look at your social standing. They don't know if you are wealthy or poor. They don't see skin color. Their hugs are free to anyone. Our Lord said we should become like little children to enter Heaven (Matthew 18:2-4). He repeats this in Luke 18:16-17.
We Should Put Away Childish Things
"Childish" on the other hand is very different. Childish implies someone who wants their own way no matter what. Childish is someone who expresses their feelings as loudly and hurtfully as possible. Childish is someone who uses poor judgment when they decide what to do in a situation. Someone who knows more than everyone else and can't be convinced otherwise is childish.
Many times Scripture tells us to grow up. In I Corinthians 13:11, we are told to put away "childish things". We are told in Hebrews 5:12-13 to graduate from milk to solid food. In other words, just as a child begins life being nourished by milk but gradually is introduced to solid food, as Christians we need to grow from the basics of salvation to being knowledgeable in the word of God and righteousness.
Learn About Your Father
As new Christians we are very much babies in our knowledge of the word of God. We should be like children and want to learn about our Father. It is important, necessary in fact, to learn as much as we can about God and one of the best ways to do this is to regularly study His word. And not just on Sunday morning in a sermon, but daily. We grow in faith and in the ability to resist temptation in direct proportion to the amount of time we spend in prayer and study. How can we imitate Christ as Ephesians 5:1 says to do, if we don't even really know who He is?
We are called the "children of God" in many places in Scripture. We are indeed God's children. We have been adopted into His family. As precious and beloved children we are brothers and sisters to each other and to Christ Himself if we do His will. When our Earthly parents fail us, as they will do, we know we have a Heavenly Father who will never fail us. In 2 Corinthians 6:18, Paul says tells us that God will be our Father and we will be His sons and daughters.
And in Galatians 4: 4-5, Paul tells the believers in Galatia that Jesus came so we might "receive the adoption as sons." Jesus tells us in Mark 3: 34-35 that we are His brothers and sisters and mother, not if we simply have faith, but if we do God's will. That will is for us to love, trust and obey our Heavenly Father. Jesus wants us to strive to be like our Father.
Paul explains in Galatians 4: 6-7 that God has sent His Holy Spirit into our hearts so that we will no longer be slaves to sin, but a son and an heir. We are the heirs of salvation, the purchase of Christ's blood.
Who Is Your Father
But what of those who don't know God? They also have a father. In John 8:44, Jesus tells His listeners plainly who that father is. He is the devil. And He goes on to say that the desires of the devil are what they want to do, because he is their father.
How awful to imagine that once our father was the devil. That we would actually have desired to do what he wanted us to do. That we would have believed his deceptions. How terrible to have a human father who is a liar, how much more awful to have a spiritual father who is the "father of lies". A father who desired to destroy us.
Dear Father,
Thank you Father for giving us your Son to show us the way to You. Thank you Father for loving us as your children. Thank you for making us brothers and sisters in Christ. We praise you and bless your Holy Name.
Enjoy the beautiful hymn, Blessed Assurance, sung by Celtic Worship. Click here.
