David writes in beautiful Psalm 139 that God is all knowing or omniscient (Psalm 139: 1-6). He knows everything about each one of us individually. God is everywhere or omnipresent. He is everywhere and He is with me individually at all times. God created everything that is and He created me specifically. Unlike the way many view God as being some uncaring, unconcerned force in the universe God is presented to us in this Psalm as a very personal God. Our God is concerned about everything we do.
God Knows Us
God knows our thoughts, the ones we have now and all that we will ever have. He sees our obedience and He sees our sin. Even the words on our tongue are known before they are spoken. This fact alone should give us pause when we use idle words that are vulgar or unkind.
God Sees Us
God sees us and places a hedge, a kind of protection around us (verse 5). A camera peering at us from a traffic light might make us feel uneasy but God watching us is like the watchful eye of a loving parent. He watches, not so that He can say, "Gotcha", when we fall, but to be there to pick us up and help us try again to get things right.
God Seeks Good
David believes that all this knowledge that God has is "too wonderful for me" (verse 6). God knows him better than he knows himself. God seeks only good for His children.
God's Presence is Everywhere
In the next verses, 7-12, we learn that God is everywhere! He is the great creator, but He is not His creation. Wherever we find ourselves in life, God is there with us. We can't run from Him. We can't hide from Him. For David, God's presence was a light in the darkness. It is this light we should walk in. David knew that God's right hand would hold him come what may.
Before You Were Born, You Mattered
In verses 13-16, David tells us that God knew us while we were still in our mother's womb. David remarks that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. How very true this is. As science learns the complexities of the human body and how it all works together, we know Who it is that fashioned us. And David speaks of a book, a book in which is written all of our days even before our birth. You are important to God, even before you were born, you mattered!
God Thinks of You Personally
In verses 17 and 18, David is overwhelmed at the thought that God thinks of him personally with love and concern. The creator of the universe notices and knows His children. How often people feel privileged to have a celebrity give them just a tiny bit of attention. How then should we feel knowing that our great Creator thinks of us, protects us, guides us, forms us and loves us with an everlasting love that is divine.
David Wants God to Know Him
In verse 23, David begs God to search him and know him. He asks God to reveal his true self to him, even the wicked parts, so that in verse 24 David can be led by God in the everlasting way. The way of righteousness and holiness that David knew would lead to life everlasting with the Father. Asking God to show us our sinfulness is a difficult thing to ask God for. We may not like the answer we get.
A Loving and Caring Father
So to those who believe in nothing or in an uncaring, absent God; that is not the God of the Bible. The God that Christians believe in, the one true God, is a loving and caring Father. A Father who sent us His only Son to die for us and rose to life to make a way for us to live with Him forever. He called me loved, praise His holy name.
Enjoy Shane and Shane singing, Psalm 139, Far Too Wonderful.
