As everyone knows it hurts to give birth, sometimes a lot. Birth is preceded by contractions (pains) and those are what helps to bring forth a new life. These contractions start out very small and quite far apart, but normally within a few hours they become increasingly painful and much closer together until the final moments before birth. This scenario is familiar to people. This is the course of pregnancy. Our Lord uses this illustration to describe the times before He comes back.
The Beginning Of Birth Pains
"Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains." Matthew 24: 4-8
Jesus tells us in these verses that wars, famines and earthquakes are just the beginning of these pains. When a woman gives birth, it can be many hours between the beginning of her contractions and the birth of a child. It is quite unpredictable as to the length of time it will take. However, a woman definitely knows when she is in labor.
Next, Jesus describes the things that believers will experience before He returns (Matthew 24: 9-13). Christians will be hated, persecuted and put to death. Because of this many will lose their faith and even betray other Christians. False prophets will deceive people and evil will abound . Jesus tells us that "the love of most will grow cold" but those "who stands firm to the end will be saved." These times will be difficult for Christians. These times will test the depth of love that people truly have for God.
The Whole World Hears The Gospel
The end won't come yet. The gospel must be preached to the whole world before it can happen according to Matthew 24:14. The world the disciples knew was much smaller than the world we know. They must have wondered how can this ever happen? How can the whole world hear about the Messiah? In our world today we have the internet, the world wide web. Even this blog post can go out and reach almost anyone.
Desecration Of The Temple
In Matthew 24: 15-21 Jesus reminds us of the prophecy of Daniel concerning seeing one "standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation'". At that point a great time of calamity will come upon the Earth, greater than any time before. There will be a great desecration of the temple of God. Similar desecrations have occurred in the past, but this one will be followed by worldwide tribulation - a time of great trouble and suffering.
For The Sake Of The Elect
Matthew 24: 22-25 tells us that this time of tribulation has to be cut short by God, for if it wasn't no one would be left alive. God cuts this time short, why? For the sake of His elect, His chosen. He warns us that false prophets and false messiahs will perform signs and wonders that will mislead many, but not the elect. Our Lord has given us a warning. One we should heed.
Don't Be Deceived
Jesus goes on in Matthew 24: 26-28 to remind us not to be deceived. Jesus's return will not be seen by a select few. His return will not be hidden away. No! In verse 27 He says, "For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man." All will see the coming of the Lord!
Sign Of The Son Of Man
In verses 29-31 Jesus says at the end of these times the sun and moon will be darkened, the stars will fall from the sky and then the nations will mourn when they see the "the sign of the Son of Man in heaven". Then the elect will be gathered from all the earth. What exactly the sign of the Son of Man is we don't know. We do know that His coming will be seen by everyone still on this Earth.
At The Door
The return of Christ is, as verses 32-35 remind us, "right at the door" . We should all be expectant and ready for His return. Truly we all will stand before Him, either after death or in those days described as "the last".
When - No One Knows
Verses 36-40 tell us that no one knows the exact time of His return. People will be enjoying their lives as usual, unconcerned about their soul and their relationship to God, when suddenly those who belong to God will be taken and the rest of the world will know that they should have listened when they were warned.
Jesus says in Matthew verses 42-44 that if people knew the exact time a thief would enter their house, they would be ready for him. In the same way, they must be ready for His return since we do not exactly when it will be.
The Wicked Servant
In verses 45-51 we are reminded of what happens to the wicked servant, those who think that because there is a delay perhaps, He is not coming back at all. A warning is given to those wicked servants who sin against their fellow man and mistreat them. They will be given a place with "hypocrites" where there will be painful torment.
Know The Season
I often hear people say that since no one can know when Jesus's return will be that we should not concern ourselves about it and just try to live a holy life. Yes, that should always be our goal, to live a holy life, but even though we don't know the exact time of His return we can see the labor pains and the fact that they are coming closer and closer together. This lets us know the season. This lets us say, as Christians in Paul's day did, "Marantha!" - Our Lord, come!
Dear Father,
We pray that when your Son returns in glory that He will find us ready. We pray He will find us doing your work and being faithful under all circumstances, even persecution and death. Help us to share with others the hope that you have placed in our hearts.
In your Son's name,
Enjoy this beautiful hymn, "What a Day that Will Be"
