I remember as a child reading scary fairy tales. In one story a child wandered off into the woods alone. As the child realized he couldn't find his way back he would call out for his Mommy and Daddy. Further into the woods he would wander, still calling all the while, not realizing that because he had wandered so far from home his Mother and Father could not hear him. Inevitably the child would wander into some sort of danger, a witch's house, an ogre lair, or any number of things. Eventually somehow there would be a happy ending and the child would be reunited with his family.
Dangerous Paths Lead Us Away from God
Our lives are very much like this. We wander further and further down dangerous paths, all the while calling out to God in prayer, not understanding why He seemingly doesn't answer, but it is not He who has left, it is us. We live in unrepentant sin, doing things we know that God would not have us do and still we expect Him to give us the desires of our heart. (John 9:31)
That dangerous path often leads to a terrible destination - the consequences of our sin. If we die before we find God we go to an awful place. Regardless though, that dangerous path has a price to pay. Perhaps it is wounded relationships, lost health, or any number of other things. (Galatians 6: 7-8)
We Need to Want to Return
In the story of the Prodigal Son, the son's path took him far from his father. He didn't think he needed him. All he needed was his father's money which he immediately wasted. When the son came to his senses, it was he who returned to his father. His father was waiting for him, confident that he would return, but his father did not go out and hunt him down and drag him back home. He wanted the son to WANT to return. He wanted the son to learn a lesson. (Luke 15: 11-32)
Are You Distracted?
Does God's voice seem to be far away? Is it hard to hear Him? Do you feel lost and alone? It may be that you have gone wandering. Sometimes it is so easy to do. We get distracted like a child on a woodland path. Children see a pretty flower or glimpse a cottontail and thinking they won't get lost, wander after it. We are the same. We see a pretty flower only to discover it is deadly poison or glimpse a cottontail only to realize it is really the tail of a bear. (Isaiah 59:2)
Our Father Directs Us
If you as a parent, have ever gone walking in the woods with your child, you know you can't let them wander to explore everything they want to look at. You have to guide them; you have to direct the paths they take. You do this because you love them and don't want them to get hurt. If we stay near our Heavenly Father, He also will direct our paths. He, above all, knows what is truly good for us. (Isaiah 58:11; Psalm 32:8)
God Forgives
One blessed thing is always true. God forgives. When we come to our senses, when we realize that God can't hear us because we've gotten too far from Him, we can come back. All He desires is our sincere repentance. He waits with His open, loving arms to wrap us up in love, to encourage us and to be there for us. (I John 1: 9)
Not My Will
Even as our faith grows there are times when it is difficult to hear His voice. Maybe it isn't the things we are doing that is the problem, but the things we aren't doing. As we progress in holiness towards being more like Him, He reveals more and more things to us that He wants us to give to Him. He wants all of us, holding nothing back, truly surrendering every thought and every deed to His will. He wants us to be able to honestly say, "Not my will, but yours.". (Ephesians 4: 20-24)
Lord, Have Your Way
The writer of the great old hymn, "Have Thine Own Way, Lord" was inspired by this simple prayer. "It really doesn't matter what you do with us, Lord–just have your way with our lives." When He has His way with us, we will be so close to Him that when He whispers, we will hear Him. What a blessed life that would be, and a life that we can have, walking next to our beloved Savior. (Colossians 2: 6)
