We are told repeatedly in the Bible to give thanks to God. In good times it's easy to see God's blessings but often when things are not going well, we find it hard to do this. The Bible has many examples of people who thanked God even in the midst of very difficult and dangerous circumstances.
In Acts 27 we read the story of Paul and the shipwreck. Paul attempted to warn his Roman captors that the voyage would end in disaster but they wouldn't listen. As the voyage continued and the seas became more violent they feared shipwreck. Paul was told by an angel that they would all survive but only the ship would be lost.
"So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me." (Acts 27:25)
Finally they listened to Paul. Two more weeks passed. The men had not eaten but Paul encouraged them to have a meal to sustain them. They gathered together and in the midst of the storm Paul gave thanks (Acts 27:35). All 276 men survived the shipwreck just as God had promised.
The story of Jonah is another example of someone who gave thanks in the midst of trials. Jonah's rebelliousness had caused him to flee from God leading to him being swallowed by a giant fish. In the belly of the fish Jonah cries out to God in chapter 2. He prays saying that he will sacrfice to God with "shouts of grateful praise" and he acknowledges that "salvation comes from the Lord." Jonah prays this prayer without knowing that God would have the fish spit him out. Jonah prays this prayer fully believing that he is at the end of his life.
The great prophet Daniel praised God in the midst of trials in Daniel chapter 6. The King had outlawed praying to any other God but himself, but Daniel, whose habit was to pray three times a day giving thanks to God, continued to pray. Daniel certainly knew the risk he was taking. When he was found praying he was placed in the Lion's den as punishment, but God miraculously shut the mouths of the lions. Because of Daniel's faithfulness, King Darius decreed that his kingdom should fear and reverence Daniel's God.
As we face our lives we all experience trials. These three men faced potentially the loss of their lives, but in all cases that did not deter them from thanking God for the many blessings He had given them. That did not stop them from praising Him for being faithful and true, loving and just and gracious beyond measure.
All three men were used by God after these experiences. Paul continued spreading the gospel, Jonah preached repentence to the Ninevites and Daniel received prophetic words from the Lord. How will God use us after our trial if we are faithful to Him?
Our faithfulness is often a measure of our gratitude. Are we truly thankful for the blessings that God has given us or do we let ourselves be overwhelmed by the cares and trials of the world? No matter what happens to our physical bodies we can pray with Jonah,
"When my life was ebbing away, I remembered you, Lord, and my prayer rose to you, to your holy temple." Jonah 2:7
In Revelation 19:11 we read that Jesus is called "Faithful and True". In the cares of this life we can always be thankful for that.
Thank you Father, for your Son Jesus that is always faithful and true. In His name we pray, Amen