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Feed Me!

Writer: Carol PlafcanCarol Plafcan

Updated: Aug 28, 2022

-- Our guest post today comes from a friend and former student, Brooke Brazzell. She is married and mother of a son, Josiah. She has such wisdom in these words I wanted to share them with everyone. She is someone who knows our God of Hope!

"Around 2:30 I realized I hadn’t eaten today. I’ve been trying to take better care of myself after some serious postpartum self-neglect. Nothing at home sounded good, so I decided to bite the bullet, load us up, and go to Zaxby’s. It’s just a 5 minute drive.

Screams that nightmares are made of emerged from my back seat. My sweet, precious, innocent baby who nursed not long ago is suddenly hungry- a need that only I, his mama, can fill. So now, here we are, nursing in the Zaxby’s parking lot. He is eating, I am not.

Don’t be confused, I’m not complaining. The journey he and I are on together is a beautiful one. But it’s also really hard and messy sometimes. My hunger didn’t suddenly leave because my son needed me. But it absolutely doesn’t matter to me right now because my child is hungry.

The Lord sees me. He sees you too, mama. Right in the middle of your messy and your hard.

He sees the sacrifices that you make everyday for your kids. He honors them. And He’s reminding me today just how much He loves me. My own needs and desires are totally eclipsed by the love I have for my child…and that’s exactly the way He loves me. I’m leaning into Him as my baby leans into me…and there’s nothing sweeter.

You are loved. You are seen. You are known. You MATTER to God. I absolutely would not make it without Him. If you aren’t familiar with what I’m talking about or don’t know where to start…message me. All he wants is to love you."

--- Two scriptures I would like to add to follow up on what Brooke had to say, "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward." Psalm 127:3 and II Corinthians 6:18, "And I will be a Father to you. And you shall be sons and daughters to me." Thanks be to God!


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