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Get Your Feet Wet

Updated: Jun 1, 2023


What desert are you and I wandering in? We perhaps have heard our parents talk about wonderous things the Lord had done for them but perhaps we have never seen this in our own lives. Maybe we have grown to believe we never will. Those stories of miracles and blessings aren't for us. (At least this is what we are tempted to believe.) Maybe we have moved so far from God we can't believe He would ever bless us again.

Our depression, our sorrows seem too much. They overwhelm us. They keep us from believing that God has great things prepared for us.

"But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” I Corinthians 2: 9

Person wandering in the desert
What desert are you wandering in?

The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years. Not one of the men who had seen Moses part the Red Sea who were warriors were still alive except Joshua and Caleb. For most of these people the stories of Moses and the Red Sea were tales told to them by their parents. Stories of renown that they had never experienced.

What they had endured were hardships and sufferings, boredom and loneliness for as long as they could remember. But now, finally, God has told them that they will be making another crossing, this time of the Jordan River, into a new land promised long ago by God.

Consecrate Yourselves

But first they must do something. They must consecrate themselves to God. The blessings He has for them will never happen if they don't. Maybe this wasn't an easy thing for them to do. The stories of Moses the deliverer were dusty tales that may not have seemed to have meaning for them.

Yes, God had saved them before, but would He really do it this time? God has saved us before, (or our parents or loved ones) but will He really do it now?

To be consecrated is to be set apart for God. Joshua 3: 5 says

"Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.”

As the Israelites approached the Jordan River Joshua tells them to "set themselves apart" to consecrate themselves. To do this they will need to repent, put God before themselves and follow Him totally. If they do this, what will happen? "The Lord will do amazing things among you."

This time when the waters parted there was no mighty staff raised high, there were no pillars of fire leading the way. Before, it had taken hours for the sea bed to dry enough to cross, this time it would happen immediately. Before, the Israelites never touched the water. There were no mighty signs that this miracle was about to take place. This time they had to get their feet wet before the waters parted.

Trusting God

They had to trust God completely that they were truly set apart for Him. Do we today have this much trust? Do we doubt as they may have? Do we believe God can do a good thing, but doubt that He will? Do you get your feet wet?

Will you get your feet wet?

Seek, Consecrate, Praise

In Psalm 69 David speaks of being overwhelmed by water. That strange feeling of drowning that many people who are deeply depressed or troubled speak of. In verses 1-5 he says,

"Save me, O God!

For the waters have come up to my neck.

I sink in deep mire,

Where there is no standing;

I have come into deep waters,

Where the floods overflow me.

I am weary with my crying;

My throat is dry;

My eyes fail while I wait for my God."

But by verse 30 we hear David say this,

"I will praise the name of God with a song,

And will magnify Him with thanksgiving."

When we are in our desert, as surely we must find ourselves at times, let us seek God like David, let us consecrate ourselves anew to the Holy One like the Israelites, let us praise the name of God.

God of Hope,

We consecrate ourselves to you today.

We praise you.

We seek you.

We expect you to do amazing things.


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