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Great Faith or Little Faith?

Writer: Carol PlafcanCarol Plafcan

Updated: Apr 26, 2024

Would Jesus say that you have great faith or little faith? Jesus scolds the disciples several times for having little faith. We read about these examples in Luke 4: 14-20 and 12: 28 and in Matthew 6:30; 8:26; 14:31; and 16:8. Each time the "little faith" is not connected to healing. In the examples in Matthew, each one has something to do with not having faith that God will care for us. The disciples didn't have enough faith to believe that God would provide for their basic needs. They didn't have enough faith to believe that Jesus would save them from the storm. Peter didn't have enough faith to believe that if Jesus told him to come to Him that he would be able to do it. They possessed too little faith to believe that Jesus could provide bread for the multitudes even though they had seen Him do this before.

Little Faith

In spite of the little faith of the disciples Jesus was there for them. He still supplied their needs in spite of their little faith. How often does this happen to us? We worry over our daily needs, we fret over the storms that come our way, both literal and figurative, we are fearful that we can't do something that Jesus has asked us to do and even though we have seen Him be faithful to us countless times we question if He will be there the next time.

Great Faith

And what of those with great faith? Only twice does Jesus mention the great faith of people. Once in Matthew 8:10 and again Matthew 15: 28. Both of these were connected to healing. Both of these were non-Jews. One was the Roman centurion and the other the Canaanite woman. Neither of these people probably knew any scriptures, none were trained in the law of Moses, but what they did have was great faith. They knew Jesus was the Son of God and capable of doing anything.

More Faith Than Anyone In Israel

The Roman centurion is even said to have had faith, according to Jesus, more than anyone in Israel. The centurion was a commander. He knew a leader when he saw one. He knew a leader only had to say the word and the thing would happen. If you read carefully, you will see that the centurion did not ask Jesus to heal his servant. He just presented the situation to Him. By faith the centurion knew that if Jesus wanted to heal his servant, He would do it.

Jesus continues in Matthew 8: 11-12 to say that many will come into His kingdom from afar. Many will be part of His kingdom that people don't expect. They may not be learned, they may not know all the religious traditions, but what they will have is great faith.

Humbly And With Faith

When the Canaanite woman comes to Him in Matthew 15, she also does not ask for healing. She presents the situation, but with total faith that if He wants to heal her daughter by ridding her of demon possession, He will do it. He doesn't answer her immediately. She must wait. She pleads for help, kneeling humbly before Him, and her unspoken request is granted. She had to wait, but her faith did not waver. Does waiting make us doubt?

Faith Of Others

Sometimes it is the great faith of others that makes the difference. In Matthew 9:2 we are told,

"Some men brought to him a paralyzed man, lying on a mat. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the man, “Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven.”" (NIV)

Notice that Jesus saw "their faith". Not only were the man's sins forgiven but he was healed as well. Thank God for the faith of those who helped bring him to Jesus. Do you have friends who care enough to bring your problems to Jesus with you? There is a power in that.

In Luke 5: 20 we read another story of a paralyzed man brought to Jesus by his friends. So determined were they to get their friend to Him that they lowered him through the roof of the house down directly in front of Jesus. What does Jesus say,

"When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”(NIV)

Again, Jesus saw "their faith". Once more the man's sins were forgiven and he was healed. Oh how precious to have friends so persistent, so helpful, so dedicated.

Jesus Marvels

Twice in the New Testament, once in Mark 6: 6 and also in Matthew 8:10 the Lord is said to have marveled. To marvel means to be filled with wonder or astonishment. In Mark 6: 6 He marveled at the lack of faith in his hometown. Without faith few miracles happened there. In Matthew 8: 10 it was the centurion's great faith He marveled at. Would it be possible for us today to astonish Jesus with our faith?

Great Faith Or Little Faith

Faith is a gift from God that comes from hearing His word. Faith reveals who God really is and the deep and powerful message of life that He brings to the world. Great faith is possible. Remember the promises of Christ. Remember God's faithfulness. Remember He is truly our loving Father.

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