Peter, the Lord's disciple, was a fisher of men. The Lord had much to teach Peter and Peter learned much about what it meant to truly love and follow Jesus. He grew in grace and knowledge.
Are We Listening?
At the transfiguration, Peter was anxious to 'do' something. In his fear Peter offered to build shelters for Jesus, Elijah and Moses. How odd that Peter would suggest something that, in effect, puts Jesus on equal terms with those great men of the past. (John 17: 1-9) Especially odd because Peter had previously told Jesus that he knew Jesus was the Son of God. (Matthew 16:16) The response of God was for them to listen to His Son. Aren't we much the same? We often want to do things for God, but in our hurry we fail to listen to Him.
Walking On The Water
Peter was the only disciple that came to Jesus on the water. Was Peter rather proud of his relationship with Jesus? Did he think it would be easy to walk out in the midst of the storm? As we all know, when his eyes left Jesus's that is when he sank. It must have been a little humiliating to Peter to realize that his faith was not as strong as he assumed. (Matthew 22: 14-23)
Peter Denies Jesus
At the last supper Peter tells Jesus that even if everyone else denies Him he will not. He tells Jesus he will lay down his life for Him. (John 13: 37-38) Still Peter is convinced that his faith is greater than everyone else's. Of course we know what happens. Peter wasn't alone in that courtyard. In fact another disciple was who got him into the courtyard. But Peter was the one who denied ever knowing Jesus. (John 18: 15-17) Peter would eventually lay down his life in martyrdom for Jesus, but only after he had learned some hard lessons about himself.
Peter Recognizes Jesus
After the resurrection we see Jesus telling the dejected disciples where to cast their net to catch fish. When they do, Peter recognizes Jesus and, in his excitement, jumps in and swims to shore to be met by his beloved Savior cooking breakfast for him. Enthusiastic as always, Peter recognizes His Savior and rushes to Him. (John 21: 1-14)
Peter Becomes A Leader
Following this, Jesus tells Peter his responsibility will be to tend, care for and provide spiritual food for Jesus's sheep (his followers). Peter assures Him of His love and then Jesus tells him how Peter will meet his death. (John 21: 15-19) Peter has grown in his faith. He has come to realize his dependency on Jesus. He is ready to become the leader that Jesus needed.
The First To Preach
After the coming of the Holy Spirit in Acts chapter 2 we see Peter boldly proclaiming the message of Christ. (Acts 2: 14-41) Through his words and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit 3,000 people believed that day. He was the first to proclaim the message of salvation to the people.
Later in Acts 10 Peter is the first to preach to Gentiles. The Lord instructs him that the Good News is not just for the Jews but for the whole world. His obedience to the Lord opened the faith to everyone.
Grow In Grace And Knowledge
In 2 Peter 3: 17-18 Peter says this,
"You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked; but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen."
Peter reminds us to "grow in grace and knowledge" of Jesus. This was his life. A life that grew, matured, listened and obeyed with love. Not a life without failings, but a forgiven and Spirit filled life. Peter reminds us that God can use us in incredible ways if we keep our whole being focused on Jesus. And how He uses us brings Him the glory, not us.
