I remember I was in college when I first heard the very pretentious sounding word, Weltanschauung. I was never quite sure what this German word meant. My professor said it was your "world view" but at 18 years old I am not sure I even had a world view.
A worldview is the way a person sees and understands the world around them. It's made up of their beliefs, values, and experiences, which influence how they think about life, people, and their purpose. It shapes how they make decisions, what they consider right or wrong, and how they interpret events in their life. Essentially, it’s the lens through which someone views everything that happens to them and the world.
The Unchanging Truth in a Changing World
Looking back on it I realize that someone's world view grows and changes as they mature. What your "world view" is at 18 is quite different from what it is in your '60's. When we become Christians our world view should encompass everything in our lives. Our faith in God and our beliefs in His word should shape everything we do and everything we are. Our world view won't change to fit the culture we live in. It simply is.
An example of someone's worldview changing over time could be seen in the life of C.S. Lewis. As a young man, Lewis was an outspoken atheist. He viewed the world through a materialistic and rationalistic lens, believing that faith in God was outdated and unnecessary. His early worldview was shaped by his academic environment, personal experiences, and the suffering he witnessed, especially during World War I.
However, as he matured and engaged deeply with literature and philosophy, Lewis began to question his beliefs. Influenced by conversations with Christian friends like J.R.R. Tolkien, he started to see the logical and moral foundation of Christianity. Over time, he moved from atheism to theism and ultimately to a committed Christian faith.
His new worldview transformed how he saw human purpose, morality, suffering, and truth. Instead of seeing the world as a place governed by chance, he came to see it as designed by a loving God. This shift not only changed his personal life but also shaped his writing, leading to works like Mere Christianity and The Chronicles of Narnia, which reflect his deep belief in God’s truth and redemption. This example highlights how someone's worldview can shift dramatically over time, often through intellectual inquiry, life experiences, and spiritual reflection.
Holding Every Thought Captive to Obey Christ
We take "every thought captive to obey Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:3-6). Our battle is our mind. Truth and morality don't change. There is a truth that lies in Christ and in His word that is objective, not subjective. In John 18:38, we read that Pilate asks Jesus, "What is truth?" We don't know if Jesus answered him or not but Pilate was not a spiritual man. For him truth was pragmatic, practical, something that served a purpose. Jesus' truth was everlasting and unchanging.
How a Christian Worldview Shapes Our Lives
Today we face a world swirling with many truths, many world views, many morals. Our job as Christians is to stand firm in this sea of subjectivity. The world has no real truth, mercy, or knowledge of God. Our path is to have the mind of Christ. We grow in faith and learn to view the world with the same focus and love as Christ does.
The Battle of the Mind: Aligning Our Thoughts with Christ
Holding every thought captive to obey Christ will affect everything in our lives. It will affect how we respond to politics, to society, to marriage, and to God. Romans 12:2 says that we shouldn't conform to this world but instead be transformed by renewing our mind. Our way of thinking has to radically change. It needs to conform to God's way of thinking. We need to become like Christ in our world view.
Growing in Faith and Confidence in God
Am I there yet? No, probably not, but because of the faithfulness of God I have grown in that direction. Is my every thought captive? No, but I can hear the voice of the Savior calling me when my thoughts are wrong. A Christian view of the world gives me hope and confidence. I know where my hope lies.
"I lift up my eyes to the hills-- where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth..." Psalm 121:1
Overcoming Negative Thoughts Through Christ
When we focus on our own desires, insecurities, or fears, it’s easy to lose sight of God’s truth and purpose for our lives. Our negative self centered thoughts will lead us down dark and dangerous paths. Left unchecked, they can influence our actions and relationships, causing us to act out of selfishness, anger, or fear rather than love and grace. Through prayer, Bible study and fellowship with other believers we can have the tools to truly have the mind of Christ and hold our thoughts captive. This transformation doesn’t happen overnight, but as we grow in our relationship with God, we can increasingly reflect His mind, filled with peace, love, and purpose.
"For “who has known the mind of the LORD that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ." I Corinthians 2:16
