Life is a series of life altering and difficult decisions. What career should I pursue? Who should I marry? Where should I live? Should I buy a house? God's desire is to be a part of every decision we make. Jesus called Himself a door in John 10:7-10. We have to begin with going through the open door that is His Son. As a shepherd would literally become the door to His flock by sleeping in the opening of the sheepfold, so Jesus is our door through which we enter eternal life.
I Placed Before You An Open Door
In Revelation 3:8, Jesus tells the church at Philadelphia that He has "placed before you an open door" and it cannot be shut. This is foreshadowed in Isaiah 22:22 when Isaiah says that God said, "So he shall open, and no one shall shut; And he shall shut, and no one shall open." God's doors can only be shut by Him and only opened by Him. The question we have in our day to day life is how do we know it is God who has opened or closed a door?
Who Has Opened The Door?
Paul gives us many examples of God opening and closing doors for him. Paul says that if we have allowed the Holy Spirit to transform our lives to become more like Jesus then we will be able to "test and approve" what God's will is for us (Romans 12:2). We can discern whether it is God who has opened a door for us or not, in the same way that Paul did.
Paul's Opened And Closed Doors
In 1 Corinthians 16: 8-9, Paul explains that he will stay in Ephesus for a while because a "great and effective door has opened to me" even though, as he says, there were many who opposed him. Again in 2 Corinthians 2:12, Paul recounts preaching in Troas and how the Lord "opened a door of opportunity" for him. Acts 14:27 tells us that God had "opened the door of faith" for the gentiles. In Acts 16: 6-7, the Lord closed a door by the working of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit directed Paul, causing him to know they were not to go to Asia or Mysia at that particular time.
How To Know If God Has Opened The Door
How was Paul so in tune with God's will that he knew when a door was opened and when it was closed?
First, Paul prayed. Ask God to show you, as he showed Paul, if this is a door that you should go through. God, is this the person I should marry? Father, is this the career that I should have?
Always seek answers in God's word. Is there someone who faced a similar circumstance to you in the Bible?
Ask for advice from Godly and wise people that you know.
God works not just on us, but on those around us. Look at the circumstances that God is directing.
If you are really seeking God's will then you will have the Holy Spirit, that inner voice, that will be telling you to go in a certain way (Isaiah 30:21).
Then, if God is directing you, trust Him that He is with you, guiding you. You are never alone. Paul knew this.
God's Open Door Or Our Own?
The danger is that we sometimes confuse our desires for God's desires. Personally I have made some tragic mistakes thinking that something was an open door from God when it was not. Understanding if it is God opening or closing a door comes down to our relationship with Him. Just as we know to do or not do certain things because we know our parents so well and how they would react, so to, the better we know God our Father the easier it will be to discern His will, His direction for us.
Going Through The Wrong Door
God is in control of the doors that open and close in our lives. King David went through a door that was not of God when he committed adultery with Bathsheba and killed her husband. He suffered the consequences of that decision. But David learned from that terrible mistake. In Psalm 32, David explains the importance of confessing sin to God (Psalm 32:5). He tells us the importance of prayer (Psalm 32:6). David writes in verse 8, "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.". We are told not to be like a horse or mule who must be harnessed with bit and bridle (Psalm 32:9). In other words, don't resist being led by God. Finally, David tells us that those who trust in God are surrounded by mercy and we will rejoice and shout for joy because of this (Psalm 32:10-11).
Knock And It Will Be Opened
Jesus says, in Revelation 3:20, that He stands at a door and knocks. He waits for someone to hear His voice and open the door to allow Him to come in and dine with us. Do we need a door opened to us? Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:7, "knock, and it will be opened to you." God longs to give us good things. He wants to open good doors. He wants us to use His word, our life's circumstances and the guidance of His Holy Spirit to show us the doors He has opened and the ones He has closed.
Do you see? He knocks at a door waiting for us to open it for Him to come in (Revelation 3:20) and then in His mercy, grace and love, He wants us to knock at a door so that He can open it to bless us with all good gifts (Matthew 7:11). Pray that God guides you to open doors of opportunities, to recognize when doors are closed, to have patience to wait on your Father; but above all, choose to open the door to eternal life which is God's Son, Jesus.
