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Writer's pictureCarol Plafcan

If you Went to the Doctor

Updated: Jun 29, 2023

If you went to the doctor because you thought you had cancer but he refused to actually tell you that you had it because he wanted to be "loving" and not hurt your feelings, what would you think about such a doctor? I think you would tell me that he didn't really care about you and that he was not loving at all.

So are we as Christians when we refuse to let people around us know that they have a disease, as do we all, called SIN. We happen to know a doctor, a great physician, who is willing and able to cure them of their disease.

Are we loving when we never tell our friends there is a cure for a disease that will end in their lives being meaningless, without God and heading for destruction?

When we go to church do we want to learn how to be healed? Are we going to a hospital for sinners or a hospice for those who can't (or won't) be healed and just want to numb themselves until they die? Do we want to hear a word that can change us? Or do we prefer to be placated and treated, oh so carefully, so our feelings won't be hurt?

Our nation needs a doctor too. It is we who need to seek God and pray for forgiveness for the healing of our land. God specifically requires this of Christians, not the lost. It is we, as Christians, who need to humble ourselves and see our sins and confess them.

The Lord blesses the humble. He will bless this nation once again if we seek His face with humility and a true "fear of the Lord".

Our hope for our journey is God alone.

DISCUSSION QUESTION: What is the best way that a normal person, not clergy, can share the gospel? How do we listen to God to know who to share it with?

patient and doctor
Our Doctor Must Be Truthful

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