Legalism. This word is defined by as dependence on moral law rather than on personal religious faith. When you stress obedience apart from faith you are left with legalism. No one wants to be called legalistic. However, in 2 Peter 2: 19 Peter says,
"While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage."
In this verse Peter describes false teachers. People in the church who are eloquent speakers and who according to verse 18, entice people with sexual sin without any consequences. To new Christians who have just come to the faith this sounds very good. They can continue in their worldly behavior and don't have to worry about it. These false teachers speak as if obedience to the Word is the same as legalism.
A Standard of Conduct
We know that God's word has a standard of conduct that we are expected to meet. In I Corinthians 6: 18 Paul tells us to "flee sexual immorality". This includes fornication, adultery, homosexuality, any manner of sexual immorality outside of marriage between a man and a woman. Today, in many churches we are told that it is judgmental to call these behaviors sin. Modesty is considered a laughable, old-fashioned behavior. I Timothy 2: 9-10 says women are to dress modestly and clothe themselves with good deeds. Today purity in music or television is excused as only something to be concerned about for our children (if at all).
Slaves of Corruption
So to return to 2 Peter 2: 19, what does Peter say happens to people who swallow the lies that sexual sin is nothing that serious? He says they become "slaves of corruption". They are "brought into bondage" by what overcomes them. These new Christians, who have just escaped the bondage of sin, are returned to it by listening to lying false teachers.
The Need for Sanctification
We are told by these false teachers that God loves us as we are, seemingly forgetting the need for sanctification in our lives. Sanctification is simply the experience of becoming more like Christ as we grow in our faith and knowledge of His word. We become more forgiving, more loving and also, very importantly, more obedient to the will of our Father.
Transformed by the Holy Spirit
We should always view those outside of Christ with a humble attitude because as Paul says, "such were some of you." (I Corinthians 6:11) We are not better than them, but we are forgiven. We are changed, transformed, by the Holy Spirit who now makes His home in each of us as Christians. If there is no change, then it is doubtful the Holy Spirit has been received.
Picking and Choosing
Today some of the problem comes from the fact that many people just pick and choose the parts of the Bible that they want to apply to themselves. If it doesn't fit with their own personal idea of what is "truth" then they just reject it. As Christians we profess to believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. Did you really hear that last part? The word of God! The Creator of the Universe has given us a book, not to dismiss out of hand because we don't like what it says, but to treasure it and keep it close to our hearts.
Honesty vs Truth
A person can speak honestly about themselves; they love the person they are sexually involved with, or they believe themselves to be gay, or their husband/wife is mean to them and they are seeking love somewhere else but that does not mean they speak truth. The truth we all have to search for is God's truth, not what I think truth should be, but what truth really is. God wants us to find joy in our lives and He knows the best way for each of us to find it, is by being obedient to His will in all things. Obedient to things that are easy as well as things that are hard for us.
So if you have fallen into a trap of sin that is leading you into bondage, seek God's forgiveness. He is a gracious God. Pray for the help of the Holy Spirit to overcome the temptations of the Devil and pray that God will lead you in the way of truth. Seek Him while you can.
