Successful surgery, a healthy baby, a safe trip abroad, a salvaged marriage, and safety from a storm, what do all of these things have in common? They are examples of how God often blesses us in spite of our sinfulness and disobedience. We often overlook God's blessings in our life or we take them for granted, not realizing the grace that God has offered us in spite of the fact that we have turned our backs on Him.
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55: 8-9
How often do we forgive people who have betrayed us a second or a third chance? How often are we forgiving when someone dismisses us as unnecessary? How often do we bless people who misuse us? For most of us the answer is rarely, maybe never. But God is not like us. God's ways are not our ways. Our gracious God is love, and He is faithful.
"If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself." 2 Timothy 2: 13
When things are going good, our health is good, our children are safe, our marriage sucessful or our careers going well, it is easy for us to think that God loves us. But when things go wrong, well then, we often feel abandoned and betrayed by God.
The Israelites wandering in the desert, had seen God's mighty hand part the Red Sea. They had seen God deliver them from the hands of the Egyptians. But when their path became more difficult, as their food began to run out, they cried out for the certainty of their past life. At least in Egypt they had had food to eat. They did not seem to realize that if God had parted the Red Sea, He could certainly and miraculously provide food for them. Which He did provide, Heavenly food, manna, in spite of their whining and complaining.
Have we wandered away from God? Have we forgotten His mercy, love and grace? Have we failed to recognize His hand in our lives in spite of the miracles and blessings we have experienced in the past?
Even so great a prophet as Elijah had moments of despair and doubt. (I Kings 19) Elijah had just defeated and destroyed the prophets of Baal. The people had proclaimed that the Lord is God. Expecting King Ahab and Jezebel to turn from their wickedness, Elijah was stunned to learn that Jezebel had instead issued a decree that he be hunted down and killed. From the heights of success to now running for his life, Elijah asks God to take his life! (I Kings 19: 4) Elijah seems intent on dying. He runs off into the desert with no food or water and lays down alone.
It seems like us, and like the Israelites before him, Elijah had forgotten that God was merciful. He had forgotten how God had miraculously kept him alive during the 3 and 1/2 years of no rain. He had forgotten that he had been delivered bread by ravens when he was hungry. This all while he was obedient to God. So now, disobedient and seemingly suicidal, how would God respond to him?
God responds lovingly by sending an angel with food. The angel brings him hot baked bread and water. In spite of his disobedience he is loved and cared for by God just as we are. Amazingly, Elijah seems not even to be thankful for the blessing provided to him in such an unexpected and glorious way. And still he is blessed by a second angelic meal. This time the angel tells him to eat and drink or he won't be able to make the journey.
In fact Elijah had had no plans for a journey. His plan was to die. Now it seems that God was strengthening him for what was to come. There was a future. This time it would be a 40 day trip to Mt. Horeb (also known as Mt. Sinai). This time Elijah will encounter God Himself in a cave.
So like Elijah, even in our despair and disobedience, we can be blessed. The real question is do we see our blessings for what they are? Do we see the hand of God working in our lives in the dark days? Do we realize that even when we are depressed, to the point of wanting to die, that God can reach out to us in unexpected ways? Do we remember His love?
As we read these stories in the Old Testament, remember I Corinthians 10:11
"Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come."
An admonition is a friendly warning. Don't let despair get the best of you. Don't forget the gracious, forgiving nature of our Father.
Gracious Jesus
Grace to me was offered freely
Though I strayed and often sinned.
Christ's forgiving loving nature
In His word to me He penned.
Oft was I in sorrow sinking,
Oft forgetting who I served,
Yet he offered me forgiveness
Even if twas undeserved.
On the mountain, in the valley
There He is beside me still.
Taking all my burdens freely
As He walked up to that hill.
On that cross His life was given,
For the world to come to Him.
Let me not forget that blessing,
Let me always run to Him.
--Carol Plafcan
