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Writer's pictureCarol Plafcan

Satan Hindered Us

In 1 Thessalonians 2:18, Paul says that he, Silvanus and Timothy wanted to come and visit the church at Thessalonica, but that "Satan hindered us". In other passages (Acts 16:6), Paul says that he couldn't visit certain places he wanted to go in Asia because it was not God's will. Paul was able to discern the difference between his desires not being the will of God and his desires being hindered by Satan.

How Was Paul Hindered?

The Bible doesn't tell us exactly how Satan hindered Paul and his companions from going to Thessalonica. We just know that he did. What does Satan hinder us from doing? What happens that hinders our spiritual growth or the growth of our church? Many times people can be influenced by Satan for his purposes. Our goal should be that we will not allow Satan to use us in a way that hinders those around us or hinders ourselves from accomplishing God's will.

Satan's Influence Is Real

First, we have to be very aware of the limitations of Satan. He is in no way as powerful as God. However, the Bible makes it clear that he is a real being with great influence in this present world. The church at Thessalonica was just beginning; it was a growing church. This is the very kind of church that Satan targets. Why would he target a dying church or a church that is not operating in the will of God? No, Satan targets churches where the Holy Spirit is active and living.

Pride Hinders Us

What would be an example of hindrances in a church? As always, one of the targets of Satan is pride (1 Timothy 3:6). The competition for influence, position, and power can quickly divide a growing church. The devil is subtle. We can become quite easily convinced that our need for these things comes from a true desire for what is best for our church. This competitive spirit often leaves those less powerful feeling as though they are not wanted or needed.

Not Being Edifying Hinders Us

Another way that Satan targets the church is through words that don't edify our brothers and sisters in Christ. To edify means to build up. Too often, we use words that tear down. Satan tempts us to share gossip, half truths, things we "think" someone meant. Did you know the Bible tells us not to share gossip even if we know it's true (Ephesians 4:29)? The old adage, "If you can't say something good about someone, don't say anything at all" is absolutely true in the life of the church.

Losing Focus Hinders Us

The church can also be hindered by Satan by causing us to lose focus on what's really important. We often focus on money and forget the truly important thing - loving others. How should the church use its money? On what? Will we have enough? These often, seem like extremely pressing questions when what's really important is: are we taking care of the poor, are we truly generous to all, are we teaching God's word to our congregation. We can also lose focus when we seek our spiritual fulfillment in a religious book or an online sermon instead of gathering together with the people of God as we have been instructed to do.

Discouragement Hinders Us

Satan can and does often try to discourage us as a church. The early church endured persecution, rejection, and isolation but never gave up their hope that was in Christ. Today in American churches, we aren't seeing this type of persecution at the moment. But we see those saints in the church who shoulder so many burdens growing old and dying. We see faithful ones falling away. We see our young people abandoning their faith. It can seem overwhelming at times because we often think there are fewer and fewer who can carry the duties in the church. But this discouragement comes from the Devil, not God. God provides the strength to deal with the disappointments that come to us.

Pray For Strength

In Nehemiah chapter 6, we read about Nehemiah's reaction to some people who were trying to keep him from building a wall around Jerusalem, as God had instructed him to do. These enemies were trying to use fear tactics to stop him, to hinder him from accomplishing God's will. What did Nehemiah do? He stood up to them. He didn't allow them to get the upper hand. In Nehemiah 6:9, he prays to God to make him strong. We must be strong in the Lord. Our enemy, Satan, wants to hinder us as well. He wants to hinder our growth as a church, and he also wants to hinder the spiritual growth of individuals.

Satan Hinders Us Individually

Satan hinders us as believers, especially when we are trying to grow in holiness. Have you intended to read your Bible more, to pray more, to give more, to visit the sick more? If you have then you probably have experienced the hindrance of Satan. Just like he wants to distract the church, the Devil distracts us individually from our goal to grow to become more like Christ. Financial hardships suddenly come upon us. Interruptions come out of nowhere. Extreme sleepiness makes us forget to pray. The pressing needs of someone else distract us from our most important duties. The cares of the world hinder our growth in Christ.

Satan Wants To Stop Progress

In Barnes Notes on the Bible, he says this,

"The hindrances which we meet with in our efforts to do good, when the providence of God seems to favor us, and his word and Spirit seem to call us to a particular duty, often look very much like the work of Satan. They are just such obstructions as a very wicked being would be glad to throw in our way."

The word "hindered" that Paul uses in 1 Thessalonians 2:18, in Greek literally means, "to cut a trench between one's self and an advancing foe, to prevent his progress". The enemy doesn't want us to progress. He wants to cut a trench in which we can stumble. We, however, have One who leads us. We are advancing the kingdom with the help of God, and Satan tries what he can to stop it, whether it be individually or in our church.

God Keeps Us From Stumbling

I want to leave you with words from Jude 1: 24-25,

"Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to present you faultless Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, Be glory and majesty, Dominion and power, Both now and forever. Amen."

He whom we serve, He whom we love, will keep us from stumbling!

1 Thessalonians 2:18

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