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The Christian Life Is a Battle: Are You Ready?

Writer: Carol PlafcanCarol Plafcan

Recently, I have noticed how often I read comments from new Christians such as, "Life is hard as a Christian and I am sick of it," or "No one warned me being a Christian would be so hard." Why do they say these things? Maybe because being a Christian really is hard and rarely are people warned about this. Maybe you haven't realized that you aren't alone in this. Maybe you don't realize that you have the power of God, the Holy Spirit, living within you and you need to depend on His power, not your own.

Think about a college student who just gave their life to Christ. At first, they felt excited and full of faith, but as time passed, things got harder. Maybe their friends started drifting away, or they felt pressure to compromise their beliefs. They might start thinking, "No one told me it would be this hard." But what if they knew they weren’t meant to handle it alone? What if they realized that the Holy Spirit is with them, strengthening them every step of the way? Have you ever felt like this college student?

A Misleading Presentation of Christianity

This struggle is often made worse by how Christianity is presented today. Far too often, today's churches tell us to turn to God for love, a better life, success, or meaning—all wonderful things. God is certainly concerned for our earthly well being, but more importantly He desires our transformation. The most important reason we turn to God is not for what He can do for us in this world.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 reminds us to give thanks to God in every circumstance. The things that happen to us don't determine our worship or our obedience. We must worship in good times and in bad. Jesus makes it clear that our worship must be wholehearted and grounded in truth.

When we become a Christian, we are called to worship Him in spirit and in truth. Our worship according to Jesus must be with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30). His truth is what we find in His Word, the Bible. I can't worship properly if I don't know or understand His truth. His Word tells us we will endure suffering as Christians.

Trials and Persecution Are Inevitable

In John 16:33, Jesus plainly tells us that in this world "we will have tribulation" which means we will have great trouble or suffering. Jesus says to "count the cost" before we decide to follow Him (Luke 14:28-30). Paul explains in 2 Timothy 3:12, that if we live in a godly way we will suffer persecution. How often are these scriptures quoted to new believers today? I think not very often. Since trials and persecution are a guaranteed part of the Christian life, how do we endure?

Finding Strength in God’s Word

In 1 Corinthians 16:13, Paul tells us to be strong. He repeats this in Ephesians 6:10, but he adds that we are not finding this strength by our wills, no, he says we are strong "in the Lord and in the strength of His might." Whose strength are we really relying on—ours or God's?

Many times young Christians find their new life in Christ difficult because they know little of God, while older Christians sometimes have problems because they have forgotten His truth. One of the key ways we grow strong in the Lord is through knowing His Word. Without it, we lack the foundation needed to stand firm in our faith.

The importance of studying the Word, hearing the Word, and of knowing that it is the Holy Spirit who is with us is often overlooked. It is only God who can change us into a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17) and it is God who will provide a means of escape for temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13). James 4:7 says if we submit to God, meaning if we are obedient and desire to follow His will, then the Devil will run from us. We have to persevere in the battle of faith just as Paul did (2 Timothy 4:7).

The Christian Life Is a Battle—Are You Ready?

This battle isn’t just personyal; it’s a spiritual war. That’s why the Bible often uses military imagery to describe the Christian life—because we are in a constant fight against sin and the forces of darkness. It isn't easy to be a Christian. We struggle against evil at every step.

  • 2 Corinthians 10:4 reminds us, "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds." (NIV)

  • Paul tells Timothy to "wage the good warfare" (1 Timothy 1:18), and reminds us

    to fight the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12).

  • We aren't wrestling against humans but against spiritual evil. We defend ourselves by putting on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6: 12-18).

  • We must endure hardship because we are soldiers of Christ (2 Timothy 2:3-4). Paul addresses specific fellow soldiers in Philippians 2:25 and Philemon 1:2.

Regardless of age, we often forget that the Christian life is a spiritual battle; are you ready to fight? We may become complacent in our walk with our Lord and forget we are in a battle. It's easy to forget that we have not been saved to life free from problems, one only filled with material blessings. Our blessings come from serving God and others faithfully. As Paul tells Timothy, we are to lay hold on eternal life to which we were called (1 Timothy 6:12).

We Are Soldiers in God’s Army

Our old lives probably looked easier because they were easier. There was no battle going on. Some of us self-medicated with alcohol or getting high to face life. Some of us preferred not to think about our lives.

We lived our lives to suit ourselves because we had not yet become soldiers in the army of the Lord. Soldiers must be obedient and disciplined. They must sacrifice themselves at times for the good of others. Our commander is no less than our mighty God.

God Equips Us for the Fight

Yet, we do not struggle alone. The same God who calls us to this battle equips us with His power to overcome. Isaiah 42:13 says this about God, "The Lord goes out like a mighty man, like a man of war he stirs up his zeal; he cries out, he shouts aloud, he shows himself mighty against his foes." This is the God we serve!

Romans 8:31-39 explains that even though our Christian walk may be incredibly difficult it is God who is for us! Who can be against us when this is true? Nothing will ever separate us from the love of Christ—no manner of hardship or trials. Even if we are killed for His sake, Paul reminds us that "we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us."

Obedience Through the Holy Spirit, Not Our Strength

Christians may want to give up because they believe that serving God means following perfectly a new set of rules. They get tired because it is impossible in their own strength to do this. They may grow weary of God. It is only with a changed heart that we can be obedient. Our obedience is a work in progress. It is the Holy Spirit working in us that brings about this change.

Misconceptions About Christian Blessings

Young people may want to give up on their faith because they were promised blessings and were confused, believing this to mean worldly blessings. When they don't see prosperity, a spouse, children, a home, a new car, or whatever else they wanted, they get discouraged. If we understand God's word we will understand that our blessings are first and foremost spiritual. Yet, by God's grace, we may also receive worldly blessings.

The Call to Persevere in Faith

So, think before you decide to follow Jesus. Count the cost of taking up your cross in a world that is totally opposed to you. Find fellowship with other believers. Study to know the truth. Show the world the love of Christ, be a diligent worker approved by God (2 Timothy 2:15), worship God with all that is in you, and above all, fight the good fight!

The Christian life is a battle:  are you ready? 2 Corinthians 10:4


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