Jesus Enters Jerusalem
During this Easter season we read the story of Jesus's triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The people are expecting their Messiah to come as a conquering hero but instead He rides a young donkey with cloaks as a saddle. He carries no weapon. He is the meek and humble suffering Savior soon to be crucified for our sins. How different it will be when He returns.
He Will Bring Recompense
Our God is holy in all that He does. He judges the world with righteousness. When He returns, He will bring recompense to the world. When He comes again it will be very different from that day in Jerusalem.
The God of Recompense
In Jeremiah 51:56 Jeremiah tells us that God is the God of Recompense. Recompense is a reward or a punishment for a behavior. Isaiah 59:18 delivers a similar message.
"According to their deeds, accordingly He will repay, Fury to His adversaries, Recompense to His enemies; The coastlands He will fully repay."
In Second Thessalonians 1: 3-10 Paul says that when Jesus returns it will be with flaming fire to take vengeance on those who don't know God or obey His gospel. Their punishment Paul says will be everlasting destruction from the Lord's presence.
Rewards or Punishment
Paul writes in Romans 2: 5-10 that eternal life is the reward for those who are patient in doing good and that they will have glory, honor and peace; but for evil doers their recompense will be indignation, wrath, tribulation and anguish. John describes in Revelation what happens to the nations of the earth who have chosen evil over serving God. Jesus will return and bring recompense to His enemies.
Riding a White Horse
What will Jesus look like on His return? Beginning in Revelation 19:11 we learn that this time He will be riding a white horse. The white horse symbolizes purity. A white horse is a conquering warrior's horse. Verse eleven says the name of the rider is "Faithful and True" and that He makes war in righteous judgment. This is He who conquers sin and death!
Fiery Eyes
Revelation 19:12 describes our Lord having eyes like flames of fire. This could signify how fierce his anger is towards His sinful enemies. It also may remind us that He sees everything we do, even the secrets of our hearts. His eyes are blazing to cleanse the evil He sees. Nothing sinful can stand before the purity of those flames.
A Robe Dipped in Blood
In verse 13 of John's Revelation the robe our Lord wears is described as being dipped in blood. There is a dual meaning here. The blood comes from his sacrifice on the Cross but also it is from the winepress of the wrath of God on His enemies. Isaiah refers to this in Isaiah 63:2 when he asks why the One who is mighty to save has on "red apparel" that looks like someone who has worked in a winepress.
A Sword of Judgment
John continues in Revelation 19:14 that Heaven's armies will ride with Him and then in verse 15 we read that a sharp sword comes from His mouth to strike the nations of the Earth. This reminds us of 2 Thessalonians 2: 8 which tells us that the lawless one will be consumed with the breath of His mouth and the splendor of His arrival. This is not the double edged
sword of Hebrews 4:12 that refers to God's word. This sword is a sword of judgment and destruction on those who have rejected their true King - Jesus.
A Rod of Iron
Revelation 19:15 continues to say that He will rule them with a rod of iron. Where God's children are comforted with a rod (Psalm 23:4) these people will be broken to pieces. Psalm 2:9 (which is quoted in Revelation 2:27) says that nations that oppose God will be ruled with a rod of iron as the Potter's vessels are broken to bits.
The Winepress of Wrath
The end of verse 15 concludes with the imagery of God treading the winepress in His wrath. The same imagery is used in Isaiah 63:3 and in Revelation 14:19. For some of us it may be difficult to imagine our loving, forgiving Savior in this verse. But we must remember that God is also a God of justice. God says vengeance is His and He is the one who will repay (Romans 12:19). We are told to love others and to love God. We are to wait on God who is the One who will bring justice to the world.
King of Kings
So during this time when we picture our Savior riding a donkey into Jerusalem to the shouts of Hosana from the people, remember that He will return some day as the judge of the world, a conquering King, with a name that stands above all thrones and dominions, a name above all powers and positions. He will wear a robe dipped in blood and He will come with a name written on his vesture, "King of King and Lord of Lords" (Revelation 19:16)!
Enjoy the praise song, King of Kings, here.
