The Lord tells us very plainly what He thinks about lying.
"Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, But those who deal truthfully are His delight." Proverbs 12:22
Lying is an abomination to the Lord. An abomination is something that is hated or loathed by God. So then why do so many people, even those who call themselves Christian, do it? In modern society if you asked a Christian is lying as bad as certain sexual sins, they would probably say no. But God says they are both abominations.
The Command Against Bearing False Witness
We are told in the Ten Commandments not to bear false witness. What does that mean? It means don't tell lies about other people. Liars aren't trusted. Haven't you heard that old expression, "You can't believe a thing he says."?
In the list of abominations, things God hates, in Proverbs 6. We are told that God hates "a lying tongue" (Proverbs 6:17) and a "false witness who speaks lies" (Proverbs 6:19). Two of the seven abominations are concerned with lying. The truth about lying is made plain by God, He hates it.
In Proverbs 26:28, we are told:
"A lying tongue hates those who are crushed by it, And a flattering mouth works ruin."
We may think we can lie to someone and still care about them but that is a lie as well. When you lie to someone you are showing them your true feelings. You are really treating them hatefully, whether you want to accept it or not.
The Root of Lies: Satan's Influence
Ultimately all lies have their roots in Satan. He is the great deceiver. Jesus, speaking of Satan, had this to say.
"When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it." John 8:44 (b)
When we tell someone a lie do we stop and think, really realize, that the truth about lying is
(1) That this lie has its foundations in the Devil.
(2) That to lie to someone means that I hate them.
(3) That what I just said is an abomination to God!
Peter's Denial: A Lesson in Truth and Forgiveness
One of the saddest stories in the Bible about lying is when Peter denied knowing Jesus three times. This story can be read in all four of the gospels. Peter's denial came after Jesus's arrest. Jesus had predicted that Peter would deny him, but Peter told Jesus if he had to die with Jesus he would before he would deny Him. Of course Peter's boast didn't happen. After the rooster had crowed the third time, Peter realized that Jesus had known all along that he would deny Him.
In Luke 22:61-62, the Bible records this touching scene.
"And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He had said to him, “Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times. ”So Peter went out and wept bitterly."
To have the Savior look you in the eyes after denying Him, a look not of hatred but of love, caused Peter to weep bitter tears. Peter must have been nearly brought to his knees at the realization of who he had betrayed. Peter had lied about his friend, his Savior whom he loved, not once but three times.
Later in John 21:15-17, Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves Him. Each time Peter replies yes. No doubt Peter thought back to that day and those three big lies he had told. This was a moment that for each lie, Peter could affirm to Jesus that he did love Him. Peter could feel the healing forgiveness of Jesus's love for him.
Who do we lie to? To our spouse? To our boss? To people who we work with? To our friends? If we are in a position of influence and power, do we lie to those beneath us? Do we think we will never be found out? Do we think we don't have to answer to anyone? Does it not put a holy fear in us that God will see and God will hear?
The Truth about Lying - We are Called to Speak Truth
God wants each of us to speak truth. Jesus said "I am the truth". If we have done nothing wrong, if we care for our neighbor, we will tell the truth. Zechariah 8: 16 tells us that God says this:
"These are the things you shall do: Speak each man the truth to his neighbor; Give judgment in your gates for truth, justice, and peace;"
A Prayer for Honesty and Wisdom
We pray that we speak truth, that we don't use idle words.:
Holy Father,
Thank you for sending your Son, the Way, the Truth and the Life into the world for us. We pray Father that our lips would only speak truth to others, that we would speak Your truth to others and that You would give us wisdom on when to remain silent.
In your Son Jesus's name,