As Christians we are told in the Bible that we will be a happy people, a joyful people. The Bible really makes no distinction between happiness and joy. We should find our happiness and joy in places that the world does not. The world places their joy in their possessions and in their careers or in a stable home life. Certainly all these things can bring happiness but when God is center stage in our lives, we look to Him as our ultimate source of joy and happiness. In Him we find eternal happiness.
Joy is Good Medicine
In Galatians 5:22 Paul tells us that joy is a fruit of the spirit working in our lives. Proverbs 17:22 speaks of joy as "good medicine". A happy person is often a healthier person both mentally and physically. Joy can lower stress hormones, ease depression and anxiety, and improve your immune system. Paul says in Romans 14:17 that
"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."
What Brings Happiness?
According to the Bible many things can bring us happiness and joy:
the Holy Spirit by giving us hope (Romans 15:13)
being in God's presence (Psalm 16:11)
the words of Jesus to us (John 15:11)
the Lord's strength (Nehemiah 8:10)
believing in Jesus (I Peter 1: 8-9)
trials, because when our faith is tested, we grow in our loyalty and dedication to God (James 1:2-4)
the promised return of the Lord (John 16:22)
asking and receiving in Jesus's name (John 16:24)
the hope of the righteous (Proverbs 10:28)
the consolations and comforts of God when we are worried (Psalm 94:19)
Where Does Your Joy Come From
I Thessalonians 5:16 commands us to
"Rejoice always,"
Again, though, where our joy comes from is the important thing. Does it come from God or does it come from the world? Are we happy because of "the fleeting pleasures of sin" as Hebrews 11:25 puts it, or the eternal happiness that only living our lives for God can bring? Isaiah 61:10 says to rejoice in the Lord because we have been clothed in salvation and wear robes of righteousness.
When We Are Sad
But you may ask, what about when truly sad things happen to me? When we face the difficulties of life, we often forget Who we belong to. We forget Who it is that is the source of our hope, strength, comfort and happiness. Psalm 126:5 speaks of sowing in tears and reaping in joy. We must persevere in our hope in God when things are very difficult with prayer and study, knowing that eventually there will be a harvest (a reaping) of joy in our lives for not giving up. As David tells us in Psalm 30, his sorrow was turned into joy. For more on finding refuge in God when we are sad click here.
Serving Others Brings Joy
One way to have joy in times of sorrow is to serve others. The focus of our lives should be outward looking. We need to have our energy turned towards others, not inward. We often spend too much time worried about ourselves and not enough asking God what can we do for others. Joy and happiness are often found in serving others for God. Jesus says, according to Acts 20:35, that more blessings are gained from giving than receiving. Proverbs 22:9 tells us that generous people are happier people.
This Joy is for All
When the angels came to announce the birth of Jesus, they said their "good news of great joy" would be for everyone. Have we kept this good news of great joy to ourselves? Have we shared the reason for the hope that is in us (I Peter 3:15)? Are we generous, not just with our money, but with our faith? In the U.S. we tend to believe that everyone knows about Jesus, but this isn't true and it is becoming less true with each passing year.
Do We Hide Our Joy?
Our Creator has promised us a life not like the world. In Him we can have joy and happiness, and a peace that passes understanding. When people are around us is this what they see? Does your soul rejoice in the Lord (Psalm 35:9)? Or have we forgotten our first love (Revelation 2:4)? Pray that we labor in love for others and that our joy is not hidden.
Dear Father,
Thank you for promising us joy and happiness in You. We pray that we would show this to the world and that we would not forget the price that was paid for our salvation and our hope.
In Your Son's Name,
