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Writer's pictureCarol Plafcan

What Can Man Do To Me?

Updated: Jan 10

According to Open Doors USA, in 2021 alone, worldwide, approximately 5,600 Christians were murdered, more than 6,000 were detained or imprisoned, and another 4,000 or more were kidnapped. Additionally over 5,000 churches and other religious facilities were destroyed.

"Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we may boldly say: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” Hebrews 13: 5-6

Real Persecution

This is persecution, real persecution. The top three countries for persecution were Afghanistan, North Korea and Somalia. Will there come a time when the U.S. makes the list of countries where Christianity is persecuted the most? Most likely yes, but obviously we're not there yet. If we have problems facing the mild persecution that exists in this country now, what might happen in the future? Are we willing to face persecution for the Lord's sake?

All Will Suffer

In 2 Timothy 3:12, Paul tells us that if we live godly lives we will suffer persecution. Notice the world ALL. Persecution, to some degree, literally comes with the territory of being a Christian.

Blessed To Be Hated

Jesus says in Luke 6:22 that we are blessed when we are hated, excluded, reviled and even called evil if it is for His sake. Jesus here seems to describe in many ways the kind of persecution that American Christians may see. Do people hate you for your beliefs? Do people exclude you because you are "weird"? Do people make fun of you and call you names like Bible Thumper or Holy Roller, for example? Do they say you are evil because you call evil out for what it is?


Today if we live a Christian life we may be "cancelled" by popular culture. Our online identities destroyed by those who hate the truth of the word of God. They call us "stupid", "uneducated", and "judgmental".

Heap Coals Of Fire

And what is our response? Do we call down God's punishment on those who speak evil of us? I have seen many Christians do this. No, Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:44, to love our enemies and to bless people who curse us. He says to do good to them and pray for them. We treat those who persecute us the same way that Jesus did. We love them. In Romans 12:20, Paul says to feed your enemy and give him drink, because when we do this we heap "coals of fire on his head." Heaping coals of fire on his head implies that a person will feel remorse when they see their evil being returned with good. They may not show it, but it will happen.

Show Humility

We are to show humility and meekness before those who despise us. We are not supposed to keep our values secret, but we are also not supposed to brag as though God loves us and not others. We are to stand for Jesus while we give grace to others as it was given to us—undeservedly.

Are We Strange?

I read something this week that reminds me of this topic. The statement was that if we go to church on Sunday's that's viewed as pretty normal, but if we talk about Jesus throughout the week then we're strange. It's ok to study the Bible, but if you start an online Bible study blog, well then, that's just weird. Or maybe you decide to post beautiful scriptures routinely, well maybe some people will think that's just too much.

Invisible Christians

Some people want us to be invisible Christians, even some of our Christian friends would prefer this. There will come a time though, even here in the U.S., when Christians will have to choose. Do they serve Christ or not?

What Can Man Do To Me?

And as we quoted at the beginning - "What can man do to me?" Man may take my life, he may make me feel like an outcast, he may imprison me, he may ridicule me, but Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:10 that we are blessed when we are persecuted for the sake of righteousness and the kingdom of heaven is our promise. What greater reward can there be than to live with our God in Heaven eternally?

Enjoy this song by the Newsboys, Guilty- Persecuted for Christ.

Another article that relates to this is How to Pray for the Persecuted Church by Michelle Velberg and Evangeline Vergo.

What can men do to me? Hebrews 13:6
Will You Be Cancelled for Christ?

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