There are three times in the Bible where it mentions God laughing. In no instance though is God laughing because something is funny. No, God laughs at the plans of men against Him. He laughs scoffingly.
When God Laughs
In Psalm 2: 4, in response to evil men's plans against the Lord and His anointed, David tells us that God will laugh and "hold them in derision". Some translations say scoff or that God will make fun of them. Only a fool would think he could defeat God's plans. Someone like that has no fear of the Lord. Our God is not just a God of love but also a God of judgment. In Psalm 37:13 God laughs, with scorn and derision, because He sees the day of judgment coming for evil doers who plot against His people. Psalm 59:8 tells us that God laughs at those set themselves against those who are His.
Fear The Lord
In Proverbs 1:7 it says that knowledge begins with fearing the Lord and only someone who is a fool would hate wisdom and instruction. In Psalm 111:10 we read,
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever."
When Mary sings her song to Elizabeth in Luke 1:50 she tells her that God's mercy is on people who fear God. After Moses read the Ten Commandments to the people of Israel, he says to them in Exodus 20:20 that the fear of God should stay before us so that we don't sin.
So to have knowledge, to have wisdom, to receive his mercy and to keep us from sin we must fear God. If the people who opposed God in Psalm 2 had feared Him they would not have opposed Him. God's plans could not be thwarted. God laughed at them because their plans to oppose Him would, in the end, fail miserably.
God's Infinite Wisdom
We can't tell God how things are going to be. God is infinitely wise. Proverbs 2:6 explains that all wisdom comes from God. God's plans are wise. If evil people plot against those who belong to Him, God laughs at those plans because ultimately, He is the judge of the living and the dead.
Facing God With Fear And Trembling
We will all face God. When we do it will be with fear and trembling, not shaking our fist or bragging about what we did.
"It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." Hebrews 10:31
The Bible is a transforming revelation of who God is. The beginning of this revelation, this knowledge, is fearing God. God's word helps us to understand our position before Him. That position should be one of humility. Psalm 2 continues and informs the kings of the earth to be wise and instructed. They are told to serve the Lord with fear and trembling because without that they will perish in His anger (Psalm 2: 10-12).
There Is None Like Him
We should fear God in holy wonder, awe and reverence. We will all, those who love Him and those who don't, kneel before Him. As Christians we are His children through the blood of Christ, and we know that "there is none like Him" as Jeremiah 10:6 tells us. Those who oppose us are scorned by God. No one should want to be on the receiving end of God's laughter. When God laughs, we need to pay attention. People can never successfully oppose Him. If they try there will be a price to pay.
