In Romans Chapter one we see the fate of those who reject the evidence all around them of God's character. They see and know, in their heart of hearts, but reject God and His righteousness. Because they reject Him and want nothing to do with Him God removes Himself from them. They are left to their own devices. Without the prompting of the Holy Spirit they were given up to uncleanness or sinful desires (Romans 1: 24), vile passions or shameful desires (Romans 1: 26) and a debased mind or a depraved mind (Romans 1: 28). In other words God allowed them to do as they pleased.
The Path of Sexual Immorality and Sin: When God Leaves Us Alone
When God leaves us alone our lives can take a dark turn. What did this lead to? It led to increasing sexual immorality, immorality that would result in men and women abandoning their God given sexual desires and leading them to homosexual acts. God has declared that any sexual union outside of marriage is sin. The Bible calls this fornication.
Sexual sins are referred to many times in the Bible. God created marriage so that man and woman would become "one flesh" (Genesis 2: 24). This would result in God's blessings. Marriage between a man and a woman is a symbol of God's covenant relationship with us as He often refers to His church as His bride. The covenant we make in marriage is an illustration of His covenant with His people (2 Corinthians 11: 2). When we sin and disobey God the Bible often uses examples of adultery to symbolize our break with this covenantal relationship. Sexual sin only gratifies the flesh. We can't walk in sexual sin and walk in the Spirit at the same time.
The Depravity of the Unrighteous
The depravity of the unrighteous was seen in a whole host of sinful actions (Romans 1:29-31). These actions were not just practiced, they were approved of by the ones doing them. The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 6: 8-10 and Revelation 21: 8, that the punishment for unrighteousness is that those people will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Paul lists these characteristics:
sexual immorality
greed - intense selfish desires
envy - discontent or resentfulness over someone else's things, their attributes or luck
strife - angry conflicts
deceit - concealing or misrepresenting the truth
malice - the intention or the want to do evil
gossip - talking about others, whether true or not
slander - purposefully making false statements to hurt someone
inventors of evil
God haters
insolent - a rude lack of respect
arrogant - an overinflated sense of your own importance
boastful - too much pride in your own abilities
disobedient to parents
undiscerning - lack of good judgment
no love
no mercy - compassion or forgiveness towards someone you could punish
Characteristics of the Righteous
To contrast this let's look at the attributes that the righteous should have. David describes the righteous in Psalm 15 and again in Psalm 112. According to Psalm 112, the righteous:
fear the Lord (v. 1)
delight in His commandments, i.e. His word (v. 1)
are compassionate (v. 4)
are gracious (v. 4)
act righteously towards others(v.4)
- these attributes in verse 4 are examples of the characteristics that God has shown us, so we in turn show them to others.
are generous (v. 5)
act justly (v. 5)
don't fear bad news (v. 7)
trust the Lord (v. 7)
God's blessings are given to those who act righteously. They are given to those who show grace and love as it was shown to them.
Righteousness Through Faith in Jesus Christ
We have to remember, there is no righteousness outside of God. In Romans 3:21-26, Paul tells us that righteousness is given through faith in Jesus; that ALL have sinned; that Christ is an atonement for our sin; and He (Jesus) justifies those who have faith in Him. In 2 Corinthians 5:17, Paul tells us,
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."
If we belong to Him, He will never leave us or abandon us.
It really is ALL about Jesus!