What is the foundation of your life? The Bible tells us that a wise man builds his house on solid rock while a foolish man builds his life on sand. There is a firm foundation that we are to build on—Christ Jesus. The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 1:24 that Jesus is the Wisdom of God. The search for wisdom begins in the Old Testament. In Job, considered to be one of the oldest books in the Bible, Job asks this question in Job 28:12, "Where shall wisdom be found?".
The Search For Wisdom In Proverbs
In the book of Proverbs, Wisdom is personified as a woman crying out in the streets and all around the city (Proverbs 1:20-21). Wisdom is everywhere, but the people do not listen. Wisdom states that, "When He prepared the Heavens, I was there." (Proverbs 8:27). We are instructed in Proverbs 9:10 that the "fear of the Lord" is the very beginning of wisdom. Without that fear, that submission, reverence, and humility, there can be no wisdom. On the other hand, Proverbs tells us that fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Christian Wisdom Versus Worldly Wisdom
James 3:13 says this about being wise,
"Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom."
James shares the difference between a worldly "so called" wisdom which is earthly, sensual and demonic and the wisdom of a Christian. They are marked by a difference in their fruits. Christian wisdom is pure, peace loving, considerate, merciful, full of good fruits, impartial, sincere and reasonable; while demonic "wisdom" is full of evil, selfish ambition, confusion, and envy.
How To Obtain Godly Wisdom
James tells us that there is one simple way to gain wisdom: ask for it. James 1:5 tells us that when we ask for wisdom God will give it to us, and not just a little wisdom, but He will give it generously. Proverbs 2:4 tells us to search for wisdom. It won't be found in the world, but it will be found in the word of God and prayer. Wisdom is a gift. It is a blessing given to us to use for God's glory.
The Difference Between Knowledge And Wisdom
In the modern world we often use knowledge and wisdom as though they mean the same thing, but they do not. I might know all ten of the ten commandments, but if I don't try to follow them, then I am not wise. I might know that Jesus is the Son of God, but if I don't surrender my life to Him, then I am not wise. Without a relationship with Jesus, there is no wisdom. My life will be destined to be built on sand.
Wisdom Proven By Actions
How can I know that I have wisdom? Matthew 11:19 answers that question. Jesus says, "Wisdom is justified by her actions." In other words, what does our wisdom produce? In this case, Jesus was telling the Pharisees that the wisdom of John the Baptist and Jesus Himself could be judged by the fruit of their actions. The Pharisees had failed to judge either of them rightly. The Pharisees were arrogant and full of spiritual pride. Those sinners that John the Baptist and Jesus were around were wiser than the Pharisees. They saw and understood their need, while the Pharisees did not.
The Application Of Wisdom And Knowledge
We also need to have a knowledge of the word of God to fear Him (Proverbs 1:7), but then we have to apply that knowledge of God to our own lives with wisdom. Memorizing Bible verses is a good thing. It increases our knowledge. But if we don't apply that knowledge wisely then we have gained very little. Proverbs 2:6 tells us that knowledge and understanding come from the mouth of God, and it is He that gives wisdom. Psalm 119: 11 explains that hiding God's word in our heart helps us not to sin. We don't just memorize it in our heads, but we hide it in our hearts—it becomes a part of us.
Choosing God's Wisdom Over The World's
Are you struggling with choosing wisdom in your life? Which are we choosing, the wisdom of God or the wisdom of the world? To dwell safely and securely in this life, Proverbs 1:33 says to listen to wisdom. Of course, things will not always go perfectly in our lives, but there is no doubt that the person who trusts in God wisely will make better decisions than the one who does not. The person with Godly wisdom knows that their ultimate future is in God's hands. No matter what happens in this world, they will not have to fear eternal disaster that awaits those who only have the wisdom of the world. There is a price to pay for choosing worldly wisdom. According to Proverbs 1:32, fools are destroyed by complacency. They are not worried about finding wisdom. They are self-satisfied.
Ignoring Wisdom, Like Solomon
Even if we are like Solomon and have wisdom, we can still choose to ignore it. As Solomon reveals in Ecclesiastes, going his own way led to his life feeling like it was full of vanity and meaningless. We all have consequences to face, either in this life or the next, for the unwise and ungodly choices that we make.
The Danger Of Ignoring Wisdom's Call
James explains that we are to be doers of the word and not just hearers. The people in Proverbs 1 could hear wisdom crying out to them. She cried with a sense of urgency that the people completely ignored. Their own wisdom was good enough for them. They hurried home to their houses built on sand until the day when the rain, wind and floods came and it collapsed around them. The man whose house was built on solid rock probably looked out and saw the great house fall and wondered to himself, "Why did they not listen? Why didn't they take heed? Why didn't they call on Him who is Wisdom itself?"
Enjoy "How Firm A Foundation" by Sovereign Grace Music here.
