Have you ever been ashamed at work for doing a bad job? I know I have. Maybe I wasn't as prepared as I should have been. Maybe I didn't try hard enough. Maybe I just didn't care like I should. As a Christian I certainly don't want to be a worker who is ashamed. Do you?
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 2:15-16
How do you prepare (equip) yourself to be a good worker for God? Paul pretty plainly tells us it is through studying the scripture. Who is Paul talking to? To Timothy who has been with Paul and who knows scripture. If Timothy needs reminding, how much more do we?
What Is Our Goal?
When we rightly divide the word of truth we should be focused on our goal, on the outcome of our Bible study. The goal is to serve God more perfectly. We don't need to put our own opinions in the mix. We need to stay true to the Scriptures and what it says, not what we may want it to say. We must serve the God of the Bible, not the god of our own making.
God's Word Gives Us Four Things
Our God breathed Scripture has been given to us for four things -
1) doctrine - literally what the Scriptures have to teach us.
2) reproof - scolding or rebuke
3) correction - to straighten up or to make right
4) instruction in righteousness - our training and education on the standards God uses to determine if something is right or wrong, righteous or unrighteous.
Showing Us Approved
Clearly, according to Paul this study takes commitment and effort, in other words, WORK. This study is not to show other people how "good" we are. It is for God that we study.
It is God who is determining if our study shows us approved. It takes study of God's word for us to know what good work it is that we are being equipped for.
Accept Correction
When we study let's do it with humility. We might think we have all the answers and that we perfectly understand what we are reading, but I think it is important to listen to those who know more than we do. Accept correction graciously when we are wrong.
The Bible, Our Treasure
What a treasure we have in our Bible. One that sadly we seem to take for granted. I remember hearing the story of a woman from Eastern Europe where it was illegal to own a Bible at the time. As a Christian she was literally starving for the word of God. A woman came to her home who had secretly taken a portion of the Bible. She was handing out pages from it and gave the woman one of them. This page of the Bible was her most precious treasure. When she was finally able to come to the United States, she was in awe that in every bookstore there were multiple copies of the Bible. Such a treasure, so easily available to all and yet to her dismay she discovered that it was rarely read.

Work Diligently To Be Approved
Perhaps we won't know what we have till it's gone. I hope that won't be the case. I pray that we will work; work hard and work diligently to read and equip ourselves so that we will be approved and not be ashamed. If doing poorly in our earthly jobs is embarrassing how much more so will it be to stand before God in shame knowing that we took for granted His very own words. We are to be diligent Christians.
Our Instruction Manual
I always told my children in Sunday School that if we call ourselves Christian then we should want to read the instruction manual the Lord has given us - the Bible - on how to be one. I don't want to get in a car with someone who isn't trained properly to drive it and I don't want to be someone who knows so little of the Bible that it is difficult to be approved.
"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ." Colossians 3: 23-24

What a reminder WE have to persue and put time into our relationship with Him